Uy » Diagnostika testlari » Ingliz tili fanidan diagnostika savollari Diagnostika testlari Ingliz tili fanidan diagnostika savollari InfoMaster Dekabr 4, 2023 60 Ko'rishlar 1 izoh SaqlashSaqlanganOlib tashlandi 0 0% 0 1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435363738394041424344454647484950 OMAD YOR BO'LSIN! Ingliz tili fanidan diagnostika savollari Tayyorgarlik uchun test savollari! 1 / 50 1. Ota-onalar o’smir yoshdagi bolalar bilan qanday munosabatda bo’lganlari ma’qul? A) Ishlariga aralashmaslik B) Qattiq nazorat C) Do’stlashish D) Etibor bermaslik 2 / 50 2. E. Erikson 3-6 yoshlarda bollarda qaysi faoliyat turi etakchilik qiladi deb ko’rsatgan? A) Intelekt B) Ta’lim C) Maktab yoshi D) O’yin 3 / 50 3. O’smirlik davrining etakchi faoliyati turi bu..... A) Tengdoshlar bilan intim shaxsiy muloqat B) Rolli o’yin C) Ta’lim D) Predmetli faoliyat 4 / 50 4. L.S.Vigotskiy inson umrini davrlashtirishda tug’ilganda inqroz deb necha yoshlarni ko’rsatgan. A) 2-4 yosh B) 6-7 yosh C) 1-3 yosh D) 0dan 1 yoshgacha 5 / 50 5. E.Erikson o’zining psixosotsial davrlashtirishda maktab yoshidagi bolalarda qaysi faoliyat turi yetakchilik qiladi deb ko’rsatgan? A) mehnatsevarlik, noto’liqlik, ta’lim va o’z ustida ishlash. B) jinsiy identifikatsiya. C) o’yinlar yetakchilik qiladi. D) ishonch va ishonchsizlik. 6 / 50 6. Pantomimika bu..? A) Butun a'zo ishtirokida amalga oshiriladigan ifodali xarakatlar tizimi. B) Aniq maqsadga yo‘naltirilgan pedagogik faoliyat. C) Kishining biror bir ijtimoiy ob'ekt bilan bog‘liq oliy madaniy-shartli ichki his-tuyg‘usi. D) b)Odatda kishi uchun juda muhim ahamiyatga ega bo‘lgan moddiy extiyojlarning qondirilmaganligi bilan bog‘liq bo‘lgan kuchli va jo‘shqin va nisbatan qisqa muddatli emotsional kechinmalar tariqasida ro‘y beradigan psixologik xolat. 7 / 50 7. Muloqot deb nimaga aytiladi? A) Kishi o‘z fikrini boshqalarga tushuntirishi. B) Kishining dunyodagi voqyea hodisalar haqida ma'lumot olishi. C) Boshqalardan nimalarnidir so‘rashi. D) Kishilar o‘rtasidagi o‘zaro aloqa o‘rnatilish va rivojlanish jarayoni. 8 / 50 8. Qaysi faoliyat turi bilish jarayonlarini rivojlantiradi? A) Mehnat. B) O‘yin. C) O‘qish. D) a,b,c javoblar to‘g‘ri. 9 / 50 9. Eng jo‘shqin hissiyotlarga boy davr qaysi davr? A) O‘smirlik.. B) Keksalik. C) O‘spirinlik D) yetuklik. 10 / 50 10. Shaxslararo munosabatlar – bu......... A) Odamlar o‘rtasidagi faoliyatda va guruhlardagi muloqotda yuzaga keladigan munosabatlar B) Rahbarlar va xodimlar o‘rtasidagi munosabatlar C) Faoliyat jarayonida odamlar o‘rtasidagi dialog D) Tarbiyachi va tarbiyalanuvchilar o‘rtasidagi munosabatlar 11 / 50 11. … the system of structures at word, sentence and text level in a Language A) context B) vocabulary C) metaphor D) grammar 12 / 50 12. … the words that come just before or after a word or phrase and help you to understand its meaning A) context B) vocabulary C) grammar D) metaphor 13 / 50 13. …. all the words a person knows or uses A) context B) metaphor C) grammar D) vocabulary 14 / 50 14. What is grammar? A) All the words a person knows or uses B) the system of structures at word, sentence and text level in a Language C) the words that come just before or after a word or phrase and help you to understand its meaning D) something else to show that the two things have the same 15 / 50 15. What is passive vocabulary? A) words students can recognize, understand and remember B) words students can confidently use in speaking and writing C) words which is classroom language D) words students can use in the languages 16 / 50 16. What is active vocabulary? A) words students can recognize, understand and remember B) words students can confidently use in speaking and writing C) words students can use in the languages D) words which is classroom language 17 / 50 17. Find the stage of the task. Students infer the meaning of selected words and expressions from the context. A) post B) pre C) while and post D) while 18 / 50 18. Find the stage of the task. Students complete a detailed True/False exercise. A) pre B) post C) while and post D) while 19 / 50 19. Find the stage of the task. Before reading the teacher introduces some new words. A) pre B) while and post C) while D) post 20 / 50 20. Find the stage of the task. The teacher draws attention to some of the grammar in the text. A) while B) post C) pre D) while and post 21 / 50 21. What`s CEFR? A) it is about a person, group, or situation that has been studied over time. B) A common reference for describing language learning, teaching and assessment C) Communicative language teaching. D) Educational Testing Service 22 / 50 22. What are the people doing in all the conversations? A) find something out B) retells the text C) make a presentation D) an exchanging information 23 / 50 23. What is learning style? A) learners prefer to learn new things by moving or doing B) guess what style is their best style C) like to learn new information by seeing it D) the way a person learns best, understands best and remembers best 24 / 50 24. How do auditory learners learn best? A) by seeing B) by hearing C) by touching D) by moving 25 / 50 25. How do visual learners learn best? A) by touching B) by hearing C) by seeing D) by moving 26 / 50 26. Brainstorming is… A) theoretical positions and beliefs about the nature of the language, the nature language learning and the applicability of both pedagogical settings B) a group activity in which learners have a free and relatively unstructured discussion on an assigned topic as the way of generating ideas C) the measurement of the ability of a person or the quality or successes of a teaching course D) a type of cooperative activity in which number of a group has a piece pf information needed to complete a group task 27 / 50 27. Cluster methods is ….? A) theoretical positions and beliefs about the nature of the language, the nature language learning and the applicability of both pedagogical settings B) a type of cooperative activity in which number of a group has a piece pf information needed to complete a group task C) a group activity in which learners have a free relatively an structured discussion on an assigned topic as the way of generating ideas D) the measurement of the ability of a person or the quality or successes of a teaching course 28 / 50 28. What happens in a Case Method classroom? A) making guesses about the meaning of the words by looking at the surrounding words or situation B) In classroom discussion, students analyze the information in the case and use it to solve the problem set up by the case. C) reading a passage quickly to find specific form D) reading a passage quickly to grasp the main idea 29 / 50 29. What is ‘intensive reading’? A) reading carefully for complete, detailed comprehension (e.g. main ideas, details, vocabulary) B) the ability to say or write ideas in other words; measures the reader’s understanding of the main idea of the text C) reading widely in order to improve reading comprehension, reading speed and vocabulary D) Reading between the lines’; the reader understands what is meant but not stated in a passage. 30 / 50 30. What is scanning? A) reading a passage quickly to grasp the main idea B) fill in the blank exercise, in which some words are omitted, designed to measure how well the reader understands how a text is linked together C) reading a passage quickly to find specific form D) making guesses about the meaning of the words by looking at the surrounding words or situation 31 / 50 31. What are the problems of authentic materials? A) language is clear, language structures are repeated (e.g. can), vocabulary can be taken B) usually boring, students might be deceived about the nature of the real life listening students who are always exposed to nonauthentic listening texts, might find it difficult to communicate in real life C) language is clear, language structures are repeated (e.g. can), vocabulary can be taken from the textbook good for revising vocabulary and grammar suitable for even elementary students D) usually long background noise might interfere unknown vocabulary fast speech 32 / 50 32. What is the advantages of non authentic materials? A) usually long background noise might interfere unknown vocabulary fast speech B) usually boring, students might be deceived about the nature of the real life listening students who are always exposed to nonauthentic listening texts, might find it difficult to communicate in real life C) exposure to authentic conversation informal spoken language exposure to different accents D) language is clear, language structures are repeated (e.g. can), vocabulary can be taken from the textbook good for revising vocabulary and grammar suitable for even elementary students 33 / 50 33. What is the advantages of authentic materials? A) usually long background noise might interfere unknown vocabulary fast speech B) usually boring, students might be deceived about the nature of the real life listening students who are always exposed to nonauthentic listening texts, might find it difficult to communicate in real life C) exposure to authentic conversation informal spoken language exposure to different accents D) language is clear, language structures are repeated (e.g. can), vocabulary can be taken from the textbook good for revising vocabulary and grammar suitable for even elementary students 34 / 50 34. What is Discussion method? A) It demands that students come to class well prepared. Compelling them to think out their arguments in advance and to answer their peers‘ questions and counter arguments, it sharpens their powers of reason, analysis and articulation. B) the ability to communicate the message in terms of its meaning, instead of concentrating exclusively on grammatical perfection or phonetics C) a group activity in which learners have a free and relatively unstructured discussion on an assigned topic as a way of generating ideas. D) It is about a person, group, or situation that has been studied over time. 35 / 50 35. An informal interview may improve student`s____ skills A) Speaking B) Listening C) Reading D) Translating 36 / 50 36. In which activities do pupils use given words for practicing vocabulary? A) Birthday line, guessing game, Snowball B) Classifying words into lists, filling sentences gaps, filling tables with new words, crosswords and puzzles C) Wordbuilding, guessing game, Snowball D) Chain drill, matching pictures to words and phrases Birthday line, Guessing game 37 / 50 37. One way of presenting grammar is called deductive when… A) The teacher explains grammar rules herself B) Pupils work out grammar rules themselves with the help of teacher C) The teacher uses only mother tongue language for explaining the rule D) The teacher uses only English language for explaining the rule 38 / 50 38. In traditional way of presenting grammar is called inductive when… A) The teacher uses only English language for explaining the rule B) Pupils work out grammar rules themselves with the help of teacher C) The teacher uses only mother tongue language for explaining the rule D) The teacher explains grammar rules herself 39 / 50 39. What is an intensive technique for reading activity? A) Reading carefully for detailed understanding B) Reading a text quickly to find specific information C) Reading a text for finding synonyms, antonyms, some D) Reading a text quickly to get the main idea 40 / 50 40. What is a scanning technique for reading activity? A) Reading a text quickly to get the main idea B) Reading a text quickly to find specific information C) Reading a text for finding synonyms, antonyms, some grammar constructions D) Reading carefully for detailed understanding 41 / 50 41. The Audio Lingual method of teaching... A) It is based on the teaching listening B) It is based on the grammar C) It is based on the structural view of language D) It is based on the teaching vocabulary 42 / 50 42. … must be comprehensive enough to be a help to the teacher and it must provide all the recorder material. A) Pupils’ books B) Textbooks C) Teachers’ books D) The program 43 / 50 43. Teaching a foreign language means the formation and development of pupils … A) Habits and skills B) Character and habits C) Knowledge and skills. D) Types of speech. 44 / 50 44. Dictoglos dictation activity is … A) It is such kind of dictation where reader reads loudly and partner listens carefully and fills the gaps. B) It is such kind of dictation where listener listens twice the text and writes some of notes. C) It is such kind of dictation where a pair could be reader and writer and vice versa. D) It is such kind of dictation where unnecessary to write full text but writer has to write some of notes. 45 / 50 45. Learner to learner dictation is… A) There is no correct answer. B) It is such kind of dictation where a pair could be reader and writer and viceversa. C) It is such kind of dictation where unnecessary to write full text but writer has to write some of notes. D) It is such kind of dictation where reader reads loudly and partner listens carefully and fills the gaps. 46 / 50 46. According to the teachers point of view dictation activities work well in the classroom and such kind of activities make better… A) Usually require very little preparation and photocopying B) Can be done with any level, depending on the text used C) Can be graded for a multilevel class D) All answers correct 47 / 50 47. The essential methods of teaching EFL to young learners are based on A) Total physical involvement B) All answers correct C) Role plays D) Communicative methods 48 / 50 48. What is Visual intelligence? A) It is an activity that develops children listen capabilities and helps to imitate intonation and rhythm, sing songs and recite verses. B) All answers correct C) It is an activity that includes itself expresses with physical activities and movement: roleplay, games, making posters and doing project. D) It is an activity that develops pupils learning process through exercises supported by pictures or use flashcards. 49 / 50 49. What is Linguistic intelligence? A) It is a lesson where students can develop all their competence in field of English B) It is a specially designed grammar and vocabulary exercises based on pair work in dialogues. C) All answers correct D) It is an activity that includes itself speaking and reading exercises. 50 / 50 50. What does EFL mean? A) English for Foreigner Learners B) English for Final Learning C) English as Foreign Language D) English as Flexible Learning 0% Testni qayta ishga tushiring tomonidan Wordpress Quiz plugin Author: InfoMaster
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