Ingliz tili fanidan diagnostika savollari



Ingliz tili fanidan diagnostika savollari

Tayyorgarlik uchun test savollari!

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1. Ota-onalar o’smir yoshdagi bolalar bilan qanday munosabatda bo’lganlari ma’qul?

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2. E. Erikson 3-6 yoshlarda bollarda qaysi faoliyat turi etakchilik qiladi deb ko’rsatgan?

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3. O’smirlik davrining etakchi faoliyati turi bu.....

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4. L.S.Vigotskiy inson umrini davrlashtirishda tug’ilganda inqroz deb necha yoshlarni ko’rsatgan.

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5. E.Erikson o’zining psixosotsial davrlashtirishda maktab yoshidagi bolalarda qaysi faoliyat turi yetakchilik qiladi deb ko’rsatgan?

6 / 50

6. Pantomimika bu..?

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7. Muloqot deb nimaga aytiladi?

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8. Qaysi faoliyat turi bilish jarayonlarini rivojlantiradi?

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9. Eng jo‘shqin hissiyotlarga boy davr qaysi davr?

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10. Shaxslararo munosabatlar – bu.........

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11. … the system of structures at word, sentence and text level in a Language

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12. … the words that come just before or after a word or phrase and help you to understand its meaning

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13. …. all the words a person knows or uses

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14. What is grammar?

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15. What is passive vocabulary?

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16. What is active vocabulary?

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17. Find the stage of the task. Students infer the meaning of selected words and expressions from the context.

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18. Find the stage of the task. Students complete a detailed True/False exercise.

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19. Find the stage of the task. Before reading the teacher introduces some new words.

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20. Find the stage of the task. The teacher draws attention to some of the grammar in the text.

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21. What`s CEFR?

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22. What are the people doing in all the conversations?

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23. What is learning style?

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24. How do auditory learners learn best?

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25. How do visual learners learn best?

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26. Brainstorming is…

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27. Cluster methods is ….?

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28. What happens in a Case Method classroom?

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29. What is ‘intensive reading’?

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30. What is scanning?

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31. What are the problems of authentic materials?

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32. What is the advantages of non authentic materials?

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33. What is the advantages of authentic materials?

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34. What is Discussion method?

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35. An informal interview may improve student`s____ skills

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36. In which activities do pupils use given words for practicing vocabulary?

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37. One way of presenting grammar is called deductive when…

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38. In traditional way of presenting grammar is called inductive when…

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39. What is an intensive technique for reading activity?

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40. What is a scanning technique for reading activity?

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41. The Audio Lingual method of teaching...

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42. … must be comprehensive enough to be a help to the teacher and it must provide all the recorder material.

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43. Teaching a foreign language means the formation and development of pupils …

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44. Dictoglos dictation activity is …

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45. Learner to learner dictation is…

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46. According to the teachers point of view dictation activities work well in the classroom and such kind of activities make better…

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47. The essential methods of teaching EFL to young learners are based on

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48. What is Visual intelligence?

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49. What is Linguistic intelligence?

50 / 50

50. What does EFL mean?


Author: InfoMaster

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