5-sinf Ingliz tili 4-chorak May 24, 2021May 24, 2021 da chop etilgan InfoMaster tomonidan 5-sinf Ingliz tili 4-chorak ga 1 fikr bildirilgan 1 Tomonidan yaratilgan InfoMaster 5-sinf Ingliz tili 4-chorak Testni Imomnazarov Ibrohim tayyorladi. Ismi familiyangizni kriting! Ism 1 / 25 My father _____ driving. A) doesn’t like B) don’t like C) don’t likes D) doesn’t likes 2 / 25 “What time is it?” “3:45” A) It is fifteen past four. B) It is quarter to four. C) It is quarter past three. D) It is fifteen to four. 3 / 25 It is half past eight. A) 7:30 B) 8:30 C) 17:30 D) 18:30 4 / 25 Tom _____ her but she doesn’t like _____ . A) like / him B) like / her C) likes / he D) likes / him 5 / 25 It is five past nine. A) 8:55 B) 9:55 C) 9:05 D) 9:35 6 / 25 His father _____ , but Bill’s father _____ smoke. A) smoke / don’t B) smokes / doesn’t C) smokes / isn’t D) smokes / don’t 7 / 25 A: What _____ you _____ ? B: An architect. A) does /does B) do/ does C) do/do D) do/did 8 / 25 A: What _____ your niece _____ ? B: A nurse. A) does /do B) do/ does C) do/do D) do/did 9 / 25 I like _____ but I _____ like swimming. A) sail / don’t B) sail / do C) sailing / don’t D) sail / doesn’t 10 / 25 HTML-kodini yozishda necha xil tegdan foydalaniladi? A) 5 B) 2 C) 4 D) 3 11 / 25 HTML fayl kengaytmasi qanday bo’ladi? (Ko’p tanlovli savol, bir nechta javob belgilash mumkin.) A) .html B) .doc C) .htm D) .txt 12 / 25 Veb-saytning Front-end qismining vazifasini toping. A) saytning orqa yoki ichki tomoni bо‘lib, bunda veb-sahifalarni dinamik va interfaol qilishda server sahnasi ortida ishlaydigan dastur va skriptlar tushuniladi. B) saytning hammaga kо‘rinib turgan old tomon kо‘rinishi, brauzer orqali kо‘rish mumkin bо‘lgan sahifa dizayni (sahifa о‘lchami, rasmlar, audiolar, videolar joylashuvi va h. k.) 13 / 25 ≤tr≥ tegining align="justify" atributi qiymatining vazifasini toping. A) yozuvlarni ikki yonga tekislash. B) yozuvlarni o‘ng tomonga tekislash. C) yozuvlarni chap tomonga tekislash; D) yozuvlarni markazga tekislash; 14 / 25 How many seasons are there in a year ? A) 4 B) 7 C) 12 D) 6 15 / 25 My family…….big. A) where B) is C) the D) are 16 / 25 Nyqtalar o’rniga mos so’zni qo’y. Thursday is…day of the week A) the second B) the first C) the fifth D) the fourth 17 / 25 What do you want to watch? A) Siz yozishni xohlaysizmi B) Siz qanday ovqat yeyishni xohlaysiz C) Siz o`qishni xohlaysizmi D) Siz nima ko`rishni xohlaysiz 18 / 25 Do you _________ a hobby? A) have B) write C) live D) make 19 / 25 I always brush my teeth A) Men har kuni sochlarimni tarayman B) Men har doim tishlarimni tozalayman C) Men har kuni tishlarimni tozalayman 20 / 25 eat, finish, watch A) yurmoq, bajarmoq, sakramoq B) bormoq, ichmoq, C) yemoq, tugantomoq, ko`rmoq D) bormoq, ichmoq, yugurmoq 21 / 25 What number is your house? A) My house is in Navai B) My house number is 10 C) My telephone number D) I live in a Flat 22 / 25 Savolga to’g’ri javobni toping. What is her name? A) Mu name is Anvar B) Her name is Lola C) His name is Akmal D) She is Kate 23 / 25 Akbarning bobosi va buvisi bor. A) Akbar has got grandad B) Akbar has got grandparents C) Akbar have grandmother D) granddad has got Akbar 24 / 25 Bobur has a little sister and he takes care about ___ A) him B) it C) her D) his 25 / 25 I like cats. But I don’t like dogs A) Men kuchkni yoqtirmayman B) Men kuchkni yoqtiraman C) Men mushukni yoqtiraman D) Men mushukni yoqtiraman ammo kuchukni yoqtirmayman 0% Testni qayta ishga tushiring Baholash mezoni 86%-100% 5 baho 71%-85% 4 baho 56%-70% 3 baho 55% va kamiga 2 baho Fikr-mulohaza yuboring tomonidan Wordpress Quiz plugin Ingliz tili choraklik
ohti buncha ham zo’r savollar 100 foiz natijani qo’lga kiritdim