11-sinf Ingliz tili olimpiada №1

Tomonidan yaratilgan InfoMaster

11-sinf Ingliz tili olimpiada №1

2021-2022 o'quv yilida tuman bosqichida tushgan savollar.

Ismi familiyangizni kriting!

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1. Visitors were not permitted to enter the park after dark________the lack of security and lighting.

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2. Farhod plays not only on the basketball squad________.

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3. British people urge that the restrictions since the spread of pandemic is now under control.

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4. "Thanks for your "

              you want more information, call again tomorrow.”

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5.             real progress has been made, the gains are likely to be immense.

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6. Oh no! There’s been an Those two cars came around the corner, at the same time and                 of the drivers could stop in time.

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7. -My student his essay checked by yesterday

-Nor       Shaxnoza

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8. We’re giving a big party for Mary next Saturday. I wish you          to the party as well.

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9. Abdullayev is a common last name in Uzbek. __________common names are Atayev, Akramova, and Usmonova.               are Salimov, Kadirov, and Kasimov.

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10. Men are obviously stronger physically, but women are stronger in many other     .

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11. The truth most of my students don’t want to hear when they ask me why they are progressing so slowly even if they are trying hard hurt Nigina as well,_______?

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12. A great_______tourists prefer to stay at clean but relatively cheap hotels.

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13.             you                  your parents             your brothers             food for you?

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14.             all his life, he doesn’t have any strength left___________anyone.

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15. She couldn’t have got home on time,                        , of course, she had been given a lift.

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16.             tiger is_______most powerful member of      entire cat family.

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17. Henry Ford’s plan was to manufacture cheaper cars in large quantity ____more people would buy them.

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18. “Did you hear me come in last night?”

“No, I asleep.”

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19. I know one of those who always__________Shaxzod                his friends introduced              to a business world.

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20. Although he doesn’t particularly like it, my brother doesn’t mind_________the table for dinner, but he really dislikes                 it up afterwards.

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21. _______, when our team scored its first goal.

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22. Exceeding speed limits and__________safety belts are two common causes of automobile death.

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23. Nargiza suggested_________.

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24. When I stopped talking, Ali finished my sentence for me as if he____my mind.

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25. The city______the subway 10 years Otherwise, the traffic                so bad today.


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55% va kamiga 2 baho

Author: InfoMaster

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