Ingliz tili attestatsiya №8



Ingliz tili fanidan attestatsiya savollari №8

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Testda 76% va undan yuqori natija oling va sertifikatni yuklab oling.

1 / 40

Read the text. Then choose the correct answer for each question below. Snow is composed of ice crystals. These crystals fall from clouds in cold weather when the air is too cold to melt the ice crystals into rain. In most of the world outside the very hot tropics, most rain starts to fall as snow but melts to rain on the way down. The heaviest snowfalls occur when the air temperature is close to the freezing point at 32°F. For this reason, more snow falls on the northern United States than at the North Pole because it is too cold at the North Pole for snow to fall. Snow can be as much as 90 percent air. For this reason, snow helps to keep the ground warm and protect some plants from extreme cold. Because so much of the snow is composed of air, it takes about ten inches of snow to equal the amount of water in one inch of rain. All snowflakes are six-sided crystals, with some occasional needles or columns. One farmer and amateur scientist photographed thousands of snowflakes through a microscope. He was trying to find two identical flakes. Neither he nor anyone else ever has. Snow often melts slowly because the white color reflects sunlight away. The most snow in a single storm in the United States was 189 inches. It occurred at Mount Shasta, California, in February 1959. Antarctica is buried in an average of two-and-a half miles of snow. According to the passage, most rain starts to fall as snow but melts to rain on the way down in most of the world except...

2 / 40

Read the text and answer the questions below. Where does the word volcano come from? It comes from the Roman god of fire. His name was Vulcan. A volcano is a mountain that blows its top! Hot lava pushes through the mountain. Then, it flows down the side. Some volcanoes are millions of years old. Some sleep. Others are active. It is hard to tell when a volcano will blow. Many volcanoes have snow. If they blow their tops, hot lava melts the snow. It burns up trees and plants, too, just like a fire. What pushes through a mountain to make a volcano?

3 / 40

The Statue of Liberty, arguably one of New York City's most iconic symbols, is a popular tourist attraction for first-time visitors to the city. This 150-foot monument was gifted to the United States from France in order to celebrate 100 years of America's independence. The statue is located on Liberty Island, and it is accessible by taking a ferry from either Battery Park in New York City or Liberty State Park in Jersey City. When Claire visited the Statue of Liberty for the first time, she instantly admired it as a symbol of freedom. Claire made sure to make reservations before her visit because only 240 people are permitted to climb the staircase to the top of the statue every day. After climbing almost 400 stairs, Claire received spectacular views of the city from the statue's crown. During her visit, Claire learned that the Statue of Liberty was not always the color that it is now. She found out that because the statue's exterior is made of copper, the statue oxidized over time, giving it the greenish appearance it has in present day. When it was first constructed, the statue was the same color as a shiny penny! After touring the Statue of Liberty, Claire spent the rest of the day in New York City visiting other important monuments and historic landmarks. Claire left New York hoping to have had the time to explore more sites, but she can't wait to return to the city in the future. Who gifted the Statue of Liberty to the United States?

4 / 40

Read the text and answer the questions according to it. Spices were known to Eastern peoples thousands of years ago.Arab traders skilfully kept a secret the true source of these spices. Spices became valuable items of sale early in the evolution of the spice trade and were introduced by Arab traders to the West. The initial uses of spices in very early times were in medicine and in the making of holy oils. People believed in the cure of spices, in a powder form, in the Middle Ages and even brought them into early medicine. It is not known when spices were first used in food. Certainly, the ancient Greeks and Romans used spices to flavour food and drinks because they discovered that spices helped to preserve foods, hid the flavour of spoiled meat in part, and also brought a change of flavour. Knowledge of the use of spices to preserve and flavour food slowly spread through Europe. Finally, in the last third of the 15th century, the Europeans decided to build ships and dared to go abroad in search of a route to the spice-producing countries. According to the passage, the ancient Greeks and Romans used spices for all the following, except . . . .

5 / 40

Read the text and answer the questions below. The polar bear makes its home in the cold and icy Arctic. Other animals might freeze or starve. But the polar bear knows how to live in the snow.
Polar bears have thick blubber, or fat, that protects them from the cold. They also have a thick fur coat. The polar bear’s coat is white. This allows it to blend into the snow. That way, the polar bear can sneak up on its prey. Polar bears swim well.
They eat seals, walruses, small whales, and rodents. In the summer, they may eat berries.
Polar bears will also eat people. They may look cute and furry, but be careful of this big bear! Which sentence is true?

6 / 40

Read the text and answer the questions below. The polar bear makes its home in the cold and icy Arctic. Other animals might freeze or starve. But the polar bear knows how to live in the snow.
Polar bears have thick blubber, or fat, that protects them from the cold. They also have a thick fur coat. The polar bear’s coat is white. This allows it to blend into the snow. That way, the polar bear can sneak up on its prey. Polar bears swim well.
They eat seals, walruses, small whales, and rodents. In the summer, they may eat berries.
Polar bears will also eat people. They may look cute and furry, but be careful of this big bear! Polar bears are found in . . .

7 / 40

Choose the best answer. Because of the flu, Lauran was absent … her lessons for a couple of days.

8 / 40

Choose the best answer. To me, we had a fantastic time yesterday, … ?

9 / 40

Choose the correct answer. Mike’s car costs . . . mine.

10 / 40

Choose the correct answer. −Sorry mum! I’ve broken a plate. −You . . . be more careful.

11 / 40

Choose the correct answer. What ... big dogs! They are so scary, aren’t they?

12 / 40

Choose the correct answer. I am going to have my brother … the car because I must do my homework now.

13 / 40

Choose the correct answer. Alisa is married but she doesn’t ….a ring.

14 / 40

Read the passage below and answer the questions Did you know that there are over 1,000,000 different species, or types, of animals? With so many species, scientists have to find a way to sort them into groups. Two of the main groups are vertebrates and invertebrates.
Vertebrates are animals that have a backbone. Humans are in this group. Also in this group are whales, monkeys, birds, and frogs. Just about any pet you have in your home is a vertebrate. Dogs, cats, goldfish, hamsters, and snakes are vertebrates.
Invertebrates have no backbone. Many of them live in the ocean. Clams, jellyfish, squids, and octopuses are invertebrates. Those that live on land are spiders, worms, and insects.
Scientists are finding new species of animals every day. Every one of them can be put into one of these two groups

Human beings are in the category of . . .

15 / 40

Read the passage below and answer the questions  Frieda the Fox was one of the young foxes learning how to hunt. She would practice her skills every day.
She wanted to be one of the best, but she still had a lot to learn. Her dad took her out one day, and Frieda found a mouse to chase. She chased the mouse and almost caught it, until she saw a rabbit hop by. She stopped chasing the mouse and began chasing the rabbit. “Silly Frieda. Why did you do that?” asked her dad. “Dad! A rabbit would have been a bigger and better catch.” Her dad just shook his head. The next day they went hunting again. Frieda did the same thing except this time she stopped chasing a rabbit to chase a chicken. She came home with neither. When they got back, all of Frieda’s brothers and sisters had a catch. Frieda sat by herself in the back and pouted. She almost had the chicken and the rabbit, but instead she came home with neither. The next day, Frieda went hunting alone.
This time she decided that she would catch whatever animal she saw first. There would be no switching gears to go after another animal. It wasn’t long before she saw a hen strutting by. She decided this was it. She raced after the hen and made her pounce. It worked! She got the hen. She proudly walked home to show her dad. He was thrilled, telling Frieda, “Yeah! You finally got it!”

Which sentence below is not true?

16 / 40

Choose the correct answer. The President was reported ... a heart attack last week.

17 / 40

Choose the correct answer. He has been short of money ever … he bought a new house.

18 / 40

Choose the correct answer. No sooner … Elbek … the room, ... it started to snow.

19 / 40

Read the passage below and answer the questions The first movies were made using black and white cameras. The film for the pictures were cut up and made into long strips. They were played on a movie projector in a theater. Today, people can see movies almost anywhere. They can see movies on computers. Others watch movies on iPods®. Some even watch movies on their cell phones. The world of movies is changing very fast. Some filmmakers want to use digital photography for making movies. Digital photography is cheaper, takes fewer people and less space. It is easy to use and can be done in a small area. However, they do not turn out as clear as the original way of filming.
A man named Robert Rodriguez says that digital form is the new way to make movies. He says it is the way to keep movie theaters alive. He does not want them to become extinct.
Robert writes movies and shoots them. He directs them and puts them together. He even does the special effects. Robert does them all in digital format. He does this in his own home in Texas. He can make most movies for half of the money it would usually cost.
Rodriquez wants to make movies that can only be seen in theaters. His idea is to make movies, for less money, only to be shown in theaters. He feels this will help preserve the original way to watch a movie.
To make movies digitally you would probably use a . . .

20 / 40

Read the passage below and answer the questions The first movies were made using black and white cameras. The film for the pictures were cut up and made into long strips. They were played on a movie projector in a theater. Today, people can see movies almost anywhere. They can see movies on computers. Others watch movies on iPods®. Some even watch movies on their cell phones. The world of movies is changing very fast. Some filmmakers want to use digital photography for making movies. Digital photography is cheaper, takes fewer people and less space. It is easy to use and can be done in a small area. However, they do not turn out as clear as the original way of filming.
A man named Robert Rodriguez says that digital form is the new way to make movies. He says it is the way to keep movie theaters alive. He does not want them to become extinct.
Robert writes movies and shoots them. He directs them and puts them together. He even does the special effects. Robert does them all in digital format. He does this in his own home in Texas. He can make most movies for half of the money it would usually cost.
Rodriquez wants to make movies that can only be seen in theaters. His idea is to make movies, for less money, only to be shown in theaters. He feels this will help preserve the original way to watch a movie.

Where can’t people watch movies today?

21 / 40

Choose the correct answer. Tom and Jerry . . .directed by Fred Quimby

22 / 40

Choose the correct answer. I’ll be ready in ... minutes.

23 / 40

Read the passage below and answer the questions The first movies were made using black and white cameras. The film for the pictures were cut up and made into long strips. They were played on a movie projector in a theater. Today, people can see movies almost anywhere. They can see movies on computers. Others watch movies on iPods®. Some even watch movies on their cell phones. The world of movies is changing very fast. Some filmmakers want to use digital photography for making movies. Digital photography is cheaper, takes fewer people and less space. It is easy to use and can be done in a small area. However, they do not turn out as clear as the original way of filming.
A man named Robert Rodriguez says that digital form is the new way to make movies. He says it is the way to keep movie theaters alive. He does not want them to become extinct.
Robert writes movies and shoots them. He directs them and puts them together. He even does the special effects. Robert does them all in digital format. He does this in his own home in Texas. He can make most movies for half of the money it would usually cost.
Rodriquez wants to make movies that can only be seen in theaters. His idea is to make movies, for less money, only to be shown in theaters. He feels this will help preserve the original way to watch a movie.

What makes Robert unusual?

24 / 40

Choose the correct answer. The work done by … is very important.

25 / 40

Read the passage below and answer the questions The first movies were made using black and white cameras. The film for the pictures were cut up and made into long strips. They were played on a movie projector in a theater. Today, people can see movies almost anywhere. They can see movies on computers. Others watch movies on iPods®. Some even watch movies on their cell phones. The world of movies is changing very fast. Some filmmakers want to use digital photography for making movies. Digital photography is cheaper, takes fewer people and less space. It is easy to use and can be done in a small area. However, they do not turn out as clear as the original way of filming.
A man named Robert Rodriguez says that digital form is the new way to make movies. He says it is the way to keep movie theaters alive. He does not want them to become extinct.
Robert writes movies and shoots them. He directs them and puts them together. He even does the special effects. Robert does them all in digital format. He does this in his own home in Texas. He can make most movies for half of the money it would usually cost.
Rodriquez wants to make movies that can only be seen in theaters. His idea is to make movies, for less money, only to be shown in theaters. He feels this will help preserve the original way to watch a movie.

Which of these is NOT something positive about digital movies?

26 / 40

Read the passage below and answer the questions  Frieda the Fox was one of the young foxes learning how to hunt. She would practice her skills every day.
She wanted to be one of the best, but she still had a lot to learn. Her dad took her out one day, and Frieda found a mouse to chase. She chased the mouse and almost caught it, until she saw a rabbit hop by. She stopped chasing the mouse and began chasing the rabbit. “Silly Frieda. Why did you do that?” asked her dad. “Dad! A rabbit would have been a bigger and better catch.” Her dad just shook his head. The next day they went hunting again. Frieda did the same thing except this time she stopped chasing a rabbit to chase a chicken. She came home with neither. When they got back, all of Frieda’s brothers and sisters had a catch. Frieda sat by herself in the back and pouted. She almost had the chicken and the rabbit, but instead she came home with neither. The next day, Frieda went hunting alone.
This time she decided that she would catch whatever animal she saw first. There would be no switching gears to go after another animal. It wasn’t long before she saw a hen strutting by. She decided this was it. She raced after the hen and made her pounce. It worked! She got the hen. She proudly walked home to show her dad. He was thrilled, telling Frieda, “Yeah! You finally got it!”

What does the word strutting mean?

27 / 40

Choose the correct answer. We have got to stay at the station until E’zoza comes, …?

28 / 40

Choose the correct answer. From the marked areas 1, 2, 3 and 4, identify the one that is wrong. The Spanish(1) would(2) have a lot of military ships(3) during(4) the war.

29 / 40

Choose the correct answer. It takes a long time to write a novel even if you ... hard. And then you have to get it ....

30 / 40

Read the passage below and answer the questions Did you know that there are over 1,000,000 different species, or types, of animals? With so many species, scientists have to find a way to sort them into groups. Two of the main groups are vertebrates and invertebrates.
Vertebrates are animals that have a backbone. Humans are in this group. Also in this group are whales, monkeys, birds, and frogs. Just about any pet you have in your home is a vertebrate. Dogs, cats, goldfish, hamsters, and snakes are vertebrates.
Invertebrates have no backbone. Many of them live in the ocean. Clams, jellyfish, squids, and octopuses are invertebrates. Those that live on land are spiders, worms, and insects.
Scientists are finding new species of animals every day. Every one of them can be put into one of these two groups
Which of the animals below would fit into the category of invertebrates?

31 / 40

Choose the correct answer. Their car …… in front of their house just now

32 / 40

- Our goods are not beautiful. - Do you think . . . are better?

33 / 40

Choose the correct answer. I want … matches. Have you got …?

34 / 40

Choose the correct answer. I ... the garden but I can’t find the spade.

35 / 40

Choose the correct answer. They haven’t … because the sea isn’t very clean today.

36 / 40

Choose the correct answer. Victor felt sleepy and tired. 'All I need is cup of coffee', he said to himself, 'with sugar'.

37 / 40

Read the passage below and answer the questions  Frieda the Fox was one of the young foxes learning how to hunt. She would practice her skills every day.
She wanted to be one of the best, but she still had a lot to learn. Her dad took her out one day, and Frieda found a mouse to chase. She chased the mouse and almost caught it, until she saw a rabbit hop by. She stopped chasing the mouse and began chasing the rabbit. “Silly Frieda. Why did you do that?” asked her dad. “Dad! A rabbit would have been a bigger and better catch.” Her dad just shook his head. The next day they went hunting again. Frieda did the same thing except this time she stopped chasing a rabbit to chase a chicken. She came home with neither. When they got back, all of Frieda’s brothers and sisters had a catch. Frieda sat by herself in the back and pouted. She almost had the chicken and the rabbit, but instead she came home with neither. The next day, Frieda went hunting alone.
This time she decided that she would catch whatever animal she saw first. There would be no switching gears to go after another animal. It wasn’t long before she saw a hen strutting by. She decided this was it. She raced after the hen and made her pounce. It worked! She got the hen. She proudly walked home to show her dad. He was thrilled, telling Frieda, “Yeah! You finally got it!”
Which of the following animals was not in the story?

38 / 40

Read the passage below and answer the questions Did you know that there are over 1,000,000 different species, or types, of animals? With so many species, scientists have to find a way to sort them into groups. Two of the main groups are vertebrates and invertebrates.
Vertebrates are animals that have a backbone. Humans are in this group. Also in this group are whales, monkeys, birds, and frogs. Just about any pet you have in your home is a vertebrate. Dogs, cats, goldfish, hamsters, and snakes are vertebrates.
Invertebrates have no backbone. Many of them live in the ocean. Clams, jellyfish, squids, and octopuses are invertebrates. Those that live on land are spiders, worms, and insects.
Scientists are finding new species of animals every day. Every one of them can be put into one of these two groups

Based on the passage, which is the best definition of invertebrates?

39 / 40

Read the passage below and answer the questions  Frieda the Fox was one of the young foxes learning how to hunt. She would practice her skills every day.
She wanted to be one of the best, but she still had a lot to learn. Her dad took her out one day, and Frieda found a mouse to chase. She chased the mouse and almost caught it, until she saw a rabbit hop by. She stopped chasing the mouse and began chasing the rabbit. “Silly Frieda. Why did you do that?” asked her dad. “Dad! A rabbit would have been a bigger and better catch.” Her dad just shook his head. The next day they went hunting again. Frieda did the same thing except this time she stopped chasing a rabbit to chase a chicken. She came home with neither. When they got back, all of Frieda’s brothers and sisters had a catch. Frieda sat by herself in the back and pouted. She almost had the chicken and the rabbit, but instead she came home with neither. The next day, Frieda went hunting alone.
This time she decided that she would catch whatever animal she saw first. There would be no switching gears to go after another animal. It wasn’t long before she saw a hen strutting by. She decided this was it. She raced after the hen and made her pounce. It worked! She got the hen. She proudly walked home to show her dad. He was thrilled, telling Frieda, “Yeah! You finally got it!”

What lesson did Frieda finally “get?”

40 / 40

Read the passage below and answer the questions Did you know that there are over 1,000,000 different species, or types, of animals? With so many species, scientists have to find a way to sort them into groups. Two of the main groups are vertebrates and invertebrates.
Vertebrates are animals that have a backbone. Humans are in this group. Also in this group are whales, monkeys, birds, and frogs. Just about any pet you have in your home is a vertebrate. Dogs, cats, goldfish, hamsters, and snakes are vertebrates.
Invertebrates have no backbone. Many of them live in the ocean. Clams, jellyfish, squids, and octopuses are invertebrates. Those that live on land are spiders, worms, and insects.
Scientists are finding new species of animals every day. Every one of them can be put into one of these two groups

What are two ways, according to this passage, animals are classified or sorted?


Baholash mezoni

- 75 foiz va undan yuqori ko’rsatgichga ega bo’lsa - “Attestatsiyadan o’tdi, oliy malaka toifasi (bosh o’qituvchi lavozimi) saqlansin”;

- 75 foizdan past ko’rsatgichga ega bo’lsa - “Attestatsiyadan o’tmadi, birinchi malaka toifasi (yetakchi o’qituvchi lavozimi)ga tushirilsin”;

- 75 foiz va undan yuqori ko’rsatgichga ega bo’lsa - “Attestatsiyadan o’tdi, oliy malaka toifasi (bosh o’qituvchi lavozimi) berilsin”;

- 74 foizdan 65 foizgacha ko’rsatgichga ega bo’lsa - “Attestatsiyadan o’tdi, birinchi malaka toifasi (yetakchi o’qituvchi lavozimi) saqlansin”;

- 65 foizdan kam ko’rsatgichga ega bo’lsa - “Attestatsiyadan o’tmadi, ikkinchi malaka toifasi (katta o’qituvchi lavozimi)ga tushirilsin”

- 64 foizdan 60 foizgacha ko’rsatgichga ega bo’lsa - “Attestatsiyadan o’tdi, ikkinchi malaka toifasi (katta o’qituvchi lavozimi) saqlansin”;

- 60 foizdan kam ko’rsatgichga ega bo’lsa - “Attestatsiyadan o’tmadi, mutaxassis (oliy yoki o’rta maxsus, kasb-hunar ma'lumotli o’qituvchi) lavozimiga tushirilsin”

Author: InfoMaster

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