Ingliz tili attestatsiya №5



Ingliz tili fanidan attestatsiya savollari №5

DIQQAT! Endi siz o'z bilmingizni sinab ko'rish bilan birga  sertifikatga ham ega bo'lishingiz mumkin.

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Testda 76% va undan yuqori natija oling va sertifikatni yuklab oling.

1 / 40

Choose the correct answer. He can’t decide who ... to his birthday party.

2 / 40

Choose the correct answer.… an accident in the High Street, traffic is moving very slowly on the London Road.

3 / 40

Choose the best answer. I need to replace ... table in my office. Its leg is broken.

4 / 40

Read the text and answer the questions below. What do you call a long, blue river of ice? A glacier! Most fresh water on Earth is in glaciers. Some glaciers never melt. You can find glaciers in the mountains. Others cover big areas of continents. They are home to snow fleas and ice worms. The top part of a glacier is snow. The middle part is mixed snow and ice. The bottom part is ice. You can take a class to learn how to walk on a glacier. You need special boots. You also need a rope and an ice axe. Then, you can walk on a river of ice! In this story, the word cover means . . .

5 / 40

Choose the best answer. There are … biscuits in the box. It was nearly empty.

6 / 40

It is important for scientists to sort animals into groups. It just as important to sort plants. Scientists sort them by how they make another plant like themselves. This is called eproduction. Scientists have decided to sort plants into three groups. The first group of plants reproduces with spores. Spores are parts of the plant that break away and travel in the wind. Each one grows into a new plant if it lands on soil that is wet and rich. Ferns and mosses are plants that make a copy of themselves with spores. Other plants reproduce with seeds. They are the second group. Seeds fall from the trees. They become part of the soil and grow into new plants. Evergreens, pine trees, and fir trees are plants that reproduce with seeds. The third group is the plant that reproduces by flowering. Before seeds can form, the pollen inside the flower needs to move from one part of the flower to another. The seeds form inside the flower. Birds and insects help this by moving the pollen when they land on the flower. Some of the flowering plants grow into fruits to eat. The seeds are hidden inside the fruit. Apples, oranges, cherries, daisies, and roses are plants that have flowers. How do the plants that have spores reproduce?

7 / 40

Thanksgiving is a holiday celebrated predominantly in North America, and it possesses a different meaning in each of the countries where it's acknowledged. In the United States, Thanksgiving is a federal holiday (meaning all government employees and most private employees are given a day off of work), and always takes places on the Fourth Thursday in November, regardless of the date. The holiday signifies the immense progress made by pilgrims, or some of the first travelers to North America, at Plymouth Plantation circa 1621. It was at this time that the hungry and weary Pilgrims were taught (by Native Americans) how to grow and produce food on North America's unique terrain. Once they'd grown (and caught) an abundance of food, the Pilgrims were expectedly thankful, and they celebrated alongside the Native Americans who provided them with such valuable assistance. President Abraham Lincoln initiated the contemporary practice of Thanksgiving by calling for a "day of Thanksgiving" during one of his Civil War addresses. In America today, Thanksgiving remains firmly engrained in its historical roots, and is widely considered to be a day for giving thanks for good food, good times, and family. Thanksgiving dinner generally consists of turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, vegetables, gravy, and ample desserts. To be sure, indulging in abundance is a cornerstone of the holiday, as doing so could only be possible if one possesses abundance. Where is Thanksgiving celebrated?

8 / 40

Read the text and answer the questions according to it. Spices were known to Eastern peoples thousands of years ago.Arab traders skilfully kept a secret the true source of these spices. Spices became valuable items of sale early in the evolution of the spice trade and were introduced by Arab traders to the West. The initial uses of spices in very early times were in medicine and in the making of holy oils. People believed in the cure of spices, in a powder form, in the Middle Ages and even brought them into early medicine. It is not known when spices were first used in food. Certainly, the ancient Greeks and Romans used spices to flavour food and drinks because they discovered that spices helped to preserve foods, hid the flavour of spoiled meat in part, and also brought a change of flavour. Knowledge of the use of spices to preserve and flavour food slowly spread through Europe. Finally, in the last third of the 15th century, the Europeans decided to build ships and dared to go abroad in search of a route to the spice-producing countries. According to the passage, all statements are TRUE, EXCEPT . . . .

9 / 40

Read the text and answer the questions according to it. Spices were known to Eastern peoples thousands of years ago.Arab traders skilfully kept a secret the true source of these spices. Spices became valuable items of sale early in the evolution of the spice trade and were introduced by Arab traders to the West. The initial uses of spices in very early times were in medicine and in the making of holy oils. People believed in the cure of spices, in a powder form, in the Middle Ages and even brought them into early medicine. It is not known when spices were first used in food. Certainly, the ancient Greeks and Romans used spices to flavour food and drinks because they discovered that spices helped to preserve foods, hid the flavour of spoiled meat in part, and also brought a change of flavour. Knowledge of the use of spices to preserve and flavour food slowly spread through Europe. Finally, in the last third of the 15th century, the Europeans decided to build ships and dared to go abroad in search of a route to the spice-producing countries. According to the passage, spices were first used . . . .

10 / 40

Choose the right word. Reading this book is waste … time. It isn’t worth reading.

11 / 40

Read the text and answer the questions below. The polar bear makes its home in the cold and icy Arctic. Other animals might freeze or starve. But the polar bear knows how to live in the snow.
Polar bears have thick blubber, or fat, that protects them from the cold. They also have a thick fur coat. The polar bear’s coat is white. This allows it to blend into the snow. That way, the polar bear can sneak up on its prey. Polar bears swim well.
They eat seals, walruses, small whales, and rodents. In the summer, they may eat berries.
Polar bears will also eat people. They may look cute and furry, but be careful of this big bear! Polar bears are found in . . .

12 / 40

Choose the best answer. Let’s … some sandwiches.

13 / 40

Choose the best answer. It is expected that man … on several planets by the end of this century.

14 / 40

Which statement is true?

15 / 40

Read the text and answer the questions below. The polar bear makes its home in the cold and icy Arctic. Other animals might freeze or starve. But the polar bear knows how to live in the snow.
Polar bears have thick blubber, or fat, that protects them from the cold. They also have a thick fur coat. The polar bear’s coat is white. This allows it to blend into the snow. That way, the polar bear can sneak up on its prey. Polar bears swim well.
They eat seals, walruses, small whales, and rodents. In the summer, they may eat berries.
Polar bears will also eat people. They may look cute and furry, but be careful of this big bear! Which sentence is true?

16 / 40

Why would a crow need to make a tool?

17 / 40

Choose the best answer. The clock … and we realized it was two o’clock.

18 / 40

Choose the best answer. After trying for some time, he gave … working on it.

19 / 40

Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence. The setting for this morning’s signing ceremony matched the … of the occasion.

20 / 40

Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence. Have you got any apples? Yes, I’ve got ….

21 / 40

Why do you think crows can live almost any place?

22 / 40

Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence. It is likely that he ... the first prize.

23 / 40

Read the text and answer the questions below. The polar bear makes its home in the cold and icy Arctic. Other animals might freeze or starve. But the polar bear knows how to live in the snow.
Polar bears have thick blubber, or fat, that protects them from the cold. They also have a thick fur coat. The polar bear’s coat is white. This allows it to blend into the snow. That way, the polar bear can sneak up on its prey. Polar bears swim well.
They eat seals, walruses, small whales, and rodents. In the summer, they may eat berries.
Polar bears will also eat people. They may look cute and furry, but be careful of this big bear! Which of the following do polar bears not eat?

24 / 40

Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence. They don’t have much free time. Neither….

25 / 40

Choose the best answer. After … it with her, I’ve changed my mind.

26 / 40

Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence. Is that house small?

27 / 40

Choose the best answer. What can you see … a magazine?

28 / 40

Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence. His mother will come at 8 o’clock … evening.

29 / 40

Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence. She talked to me … . Moreover, I liked her sense of humour.

30 / 40

Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence. After I ... that I had lost my way, I went back home.

31 / 40

Choose the best answer. She let the children … to play.

32 / 40

Choose the best answer. The poor girl looked … … .

33 / 40

Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence. She prefers playing cards … television.

34 / 40

Read the text and answer the questions below. The polar bear makes its home in the cold and icy Arctic. Other animals might freeze or starve. But the polar bear knows how to live in the snow.
Polar bears have thick blubber, or fat, that protects them from the cold. They also have a thick fur coat. The polar bear’s coat is white. This allows it to blend into the snow. That way, the polar bear can sneak up on its prey. Polar bears swim well.
They eat seals, walruses, small whales, and rodents. In the summer, they may eat berries.
Polar bears will also eat people. They may look cute and furry, but be careful of this big bear!

Polar bears can live in the cold because . . .

35 / 40

Choose the best answer. I am living with my friends … the present until I find a flat.

36 / 40

Choose the best answer. There was hardly … wind, just as a slight breeze.

37 / 40

Choose the best answer. A: Must I always pay my rent by cheque? B: No, … . Pay it however you want to.

38 / 40

Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence. I am really sure that you … a better job.

39 / 40

In this story, the words on command mean ... .

40 / 40

Choose the best answer. I haven’t found a smaller place ….


Baholash mezoni

- 75 foiz va undan yuqori ko’rsatgichga ega bo’lsa - “Attestatsiyadan o’tdi, oliy malaka toifasi (bosh o’qituvchi lavozimi) saqlansin”;

- 75 foizdan past ko’rsatgichga ega bo’lsa - “Attestatsiyadan o’tmadi, birinchi malaka toifasi (yetakchi o’qituvchi lavozimi)ga tushirilsin”;

- 75 foiz va undan yuqori ko’rsatgichga ega bo’lsa - “Attestatsiyadan o’tdi, oliy malaka toifasi (bosh o’qituvchi lavozimi) berilsin”;

- 74 foizdan 65 foizgacha ko’rsatgichga ega bo’lsa - “Attestatsiyadan o’tdi, birinchi malaka toifasi (yetakchi o’qituvchi lavozimi) saqlansin”;

- 65 foizdan kam ko’rsatgichga ega bo’lsa - “Attestatsiyadan o’tmadi, ikkinchi malaka toifasi (katta o’qituvchi lavozimi)ga tushirilsin”

- 64 foizdan 60 foizgacha ko’rsatgichga ega bo’lsa - “Attestatsiyadan o’tdi, ikkinchi malaka toifasi (katta o’qituvchi lavozimi) saqlansin”;

- 60 foizdan kam ko’rsatgichga ega bo’lsa - “Attestatsiyadan o’tmadi, mutaxassis (oliy yoki o’rta maxsus, kasb-hunar ma'lumotli o’qituvchi) lavozimiga tushirilsin”

Author: InfoMaster

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