Uy » Online olimpiada » Ingliz tili olimpiada » 10-sinf Ingliz tili olimpiada №2 Ingliz tili olimpiadaTuman 2019-2020 o'quv yili 10-sinf Ingliz tili olimpiada №2 InfoMaster Avgust 19, 2024 13 Ko'rishlar 3 izohlar SaqlashSaqlanganOlib tashlandi 0 0 123456789101112131415161718192021222324 Tomonidan yaratilgan InfoMaster 10-sinf Ingliz tili olimpiada №2 2019- yilida tuman bosqichida tushgan savollar 1 / 24 1. Only under special circumstances to test out of freshman composition and literature. A) freshmen permitted B) are permitted freshmen C) are freshmen permitted D) freshmen are permitted 2 / 24 2. something strange in the way Aziz looks at me A) This is B) That is C) It is D) There is 3 / 24 3. Everybody, without any doubts and questions, follow their instructions,______? A) doesn’t he/she B) don’t they C) do they D) will you 4 / 24 4. You_____bread. We’ve got plenty for the party. A) mustn’t have bought B) wouldn’t have bought C) couldn’t have bought D) needn’t have bought 5 / 24 5. Only when in danger_________human beings. A) will most bears attack B) most bears will attack C) will attack most bear D) bears will most attack 6 / 24 6. His health deteriorated to an extent that he had to retire. A) what B) such C) so much D) so 7 / 24 7. She_______to go there tomorrow, but now she finds that she can’t A) was planning B) plans C) is planning D) will plan 8 / 24 8. Uzbekistan is very rich minerals and I am proud my country. A) of/of B) on/for C) in/of D) by/of 9 / 24 9. A person who doesn’t want to change attitude or position A) stubborn B) hardworking C) handsome D) negative 10 / 24 10. If I ______ a lot of money, I would buy a car. A) wins B) win C) won D) winning 11 / 24 11. Paul has worked out a way to ______ . A) create the problem B) increase the problem C) manage the problem D) solve the problem 12 / 24 12. A feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen A) struggle B) agony C) choice D) hope 13 / 24 13. Do not _________ me. I am revising for my exam. A) follow B) look at C) laugh D) confuse 14 / 24 14. It is not easy task to _____________ success without hardworking. A) learn B) become C) believe D) achieve 15 / 24 15. He has had the room ______. A) paints B) painted C) paint D) painting 16 / 24 16. He graduated ________ the State University. A) at B) out of C) off D) from 17 / 24 17. If I _____ the poem yesterday, I would have got a five. A) learning B) learnt C) learn D) had learnt 18 / 24 18. Find “Square root” sign A) % B) + C) √ D) ÷ 19 / 24 19. These books belong to the college library, so you can _________ . A) tear them apart B) keep them forever C) own them for a while D) borrow them for a while 20 / 24 20. A __________ child is allowed to do or have anything that it wants to. A) experienced B) responsible C) spoiled D) smart 21 / 24 21. I wish I hadn’t ______ my hair cut. A) has B) having C) had D) have 22 / 24 22. Do you have any ___________ of working with kids? A) research B) experience C) program D) confuse 23 / 24 23. You are ___________ for your future. Don’t blame others. A) suitable B) successful C) hardworking D) responsible 24 / 24 24. I _____ always late for lessons. A) were B) am C) is D) was 0% Testni qayta ishga tushiring Tomonidan Wordpress Quiz plugin Author: InfoMaster Foydali bo'lsa mamnunmiz