Tarix va Ingliz tili yo’nalishi №1 May 5, 2022May 5, 2022 da chop etilgan InfoMaster tomonidan Tarix va Ingliz tili yo’nalishi №1 ga fikr bildirilmagan. 2 Vaqtingiz tugadi! Tarix va Ingliz tili yo'nalishi №1 Asosiy fanlar: ? Tarix (3.1 ball) ? Ingliz tili (3.1 ball) Majburiy fanlar: ? Matematika (1.1 ball) ? Ona tili (1.1 ball) ? O'zbekiston tarixi (1.1 ball) 1 / 90 1. Eskilik bilan yengilik, eski va yangi dunyo o‘rtasidagi kurash mavzusi Amerikaning qaysi yozuvchilar asarlarida aks etgan? A) Mark Tven, Genri Longfello B) Uolt Uitmen, Mark Tven C) Mark Tven, Jon Kopli D) Uolt Uitmen, Genri Longfello 2 / 90 2. Bir vaqtda sodir bo’lgan voqealarni belgilang? A) Shumerlar jahondagi eng qadimgi yozuvlardan biri mixxatni ixtiro qilishdi va neolit davri boshlandi B) Quyosh xudosi Amon Ra firavnlarning bosh homiysi va ilohiga aylandi va eneolit davri nihoyasiga yetdi C) So’ngi Misr podsholigiga asos solindi va Yangi Bobil podsholigi vujudga keldi D) Bobil podsholigi Mesopotamiya janubidagi yirik qudratli davlatga aylandi va Sargon I shumer va akkad shaharlarini o’z hokimiyati ostida birlashtirdi 3 / 90 3. Yaponiyada hokimiyatni Mikado-imperator boshqara boshlagan asrda bo’lib o’tgan voqealarni toping. 1)Xitoyda ipakdan shoyi so’zana – panno to’qish ixtiro qilindi; 2)Xitoyda paxtadan gazlama tayyorlash yo’lga qo’yildi; 3)asteklar Tenochtitlan shahriga asos soldilar 4)mo’g’ullarning ijtimoiy munosabatlarida yangi xususiyat mulkiy tabaqalanish kuchaya boshladi 5)nemis feodallari urush boshladi 6)Yevropaning yirik shaharlarida dastlabki universitetlar ochila boshladi A) 1,3,4,6 B) 1,2,3,4 C) 2,3,5,6 D) 3,4,5,6 4 / 90 4. Simoneseki sulhiga ko’ra, Yaponiya qaysi hududlarni qo’lga kiritgan edi? A) Syangan, Tayvan va Penxu orollarini B) Lyaodun, Tayvan, Peskador orollarini C) Lyaodun, Kurill, Saxalin orollarini D) Tayvan, Penxu va Gongong orollarini 5 / 90 5. “Tarbiyayi atfol” ni tashkil qilgan shaxslarni aniqlang. 1. Hoji Rafiy 2. A.Fitrat 3. Mirzo Abduvohid 4. Hamidxo’ja Mehriy 5. A.Avloniy 6. Usmonxo’ja 7. Muhammadxo’ja 8. Munavvar Qori9. Shakuriy A) 2,4,6,8,9 B) 1,3,4,6,7 C) 1,2,3,4,5,6 D) 1,3,5,8,9 6 / 90 6. Qarz yoki kreditni to'lash shartlarini qayta ko'rib chiqish va o'zgartirish nima deyiladi? A) Subsidiya B) Kapital C) Restrukturizatsiya D) Integratsiya 7 / 90 7. Rasmda berilgan tarixiy shaxs bilan bog’liq unga oid ma’lumotdni aniqlang. A) Xurosonning Marv, Nishopur, Mashhad kabi yirik shaharlarini egallaydi; B) O’z maktunida Eronni o’zaro taqsimlab olishni taklif qilgan; C) O’z maktubida Buxoro Hindiston birgalikda Eronga yordam ko’rsatishi zarurligini ta’kidlagan; D) Safaviylarga qarshi kurashda boburiylar bilan birga harakat qilishga intilgan; 8 / 90 8. Xiva xoni Muhammad Rahimxon I ga tayanib yirik zodagonlar qarshiligini sindirish uchun shiddatli kurashda o`z raqiblarini birin- ketin bo`ysundira bordi? A) savdogarlar va ruhoniylar tabaqasi B) urug` oqsoqollari va ruhoniylar tabaqasi C) yirik zodagonlar va ruhoniylar tabaqasi D) “xon ” navkarlari deb atalgan muntazam qo`shin 9 / 90 9. Quyidagi olimlarni millatiaga qarab moslashtiring. 1. E.Rezerford 2.A.Bekkerel3. S.Arrenius 4. F.A.Lesh5. R.Virxov a) fransuzb) rus c) ingliz d) shved e) nemis A) 1-c, 2-a, 3-d, 4-b, 5-e B) 1-b, 2-e, 3-c, 4-d, 5-a C) 1-d, 2-b, 3-a, 4-e, 5-c D) 1-a, 2-c, 3-d, 4-e, 5-b 10 / 90 10. Quyidagi Lotin Amerikasi davlatlarining qaysi birining mustaqilligi muvufiq keladi? A) 2-3-5-6 B) 1-2-5-6 C) 1-3-5-7 D) 2-4-6-8 11 / 90 11. Milliy Markaz – Turkistono’lkamusulmonlarkengashitashkil etilgach, kimlar rais kotiblari bo’lishgan? A) Mustafo Cho’qay, Islom Shoahmedov B) Islom Shahmedov, Zaki Validiy C) Behbudiy, Munavvarqori D) Munavvarqori, Zaki Validiy 12 / 90 12. Quyidagilardan qabilalar bilan bog’liq noto’g’ri ma’lumot berilgan qatorni aniqlang. A) Lotinlar – Tibr daryosi bo’yida joylashgan daryo va botqoqlik lotinlarni qo’shni qabilalardan hujumlaridan himoya qilar edi; B) Karfagenliklar – Afrikaning shimoliy qismida joylashgan Yunon koloniyasi C) Etrusklar – Italiyaning shimoli-g’arbiy qismida joylashgan; D) Lig’urlar – Italiyaning eng qadimgi qabilalaridan biri bo’lib, chorvachilik bilan shug’ullangan; 13 / 90 13. Quyidagi javoblarni moslashtiring. 1)Rossiyaning Bolqon yarim orolidagi manfaatlarini mensimay Avstriya- Vengriyani Bolqon siyosatini qo’llab quvvatlagan davlat 2)XIX asr oxiri – XX asr boshida sanoat ishlab chiqarish hajmi 2 marta kamaygan davlat 3)XIX asr oxiriga kelib xorijiy davlatlar 3 mlrd dollar kapital kiritgan davlat 4)AQSH asoratli shartlar asosida qarz bergan davlatlardan bir A) 1-B. Britaniya, 2-Germaniya, 3-Germaniya, 4-Nikaragua B) 1-Germaniya, 2-Fransiya, 3-AQSH, 4-Gvatemala C) 1-Germaniya, 2-B. Britaniya, 3-AQSH, 4-Gonduras D) 1-Germaniya, 2-B. Britaniya, 3-AQSH, 4-Kosta-Rika 14 / 90 14. Xorijiy investisiyalar ishtirokidagi «Uzbekistan Peugeot Citroen Automotive» korxonasini tashkil etish to‘g‘risida»gi qaror qabul qilingan yildan keyin sodir bo’lgan voqeani aniqlang. A) Sh. Mirziyoyevning tashabbusi bilan 7,1 kilometr bo’lgan Toshkent metropolitenining Sergeli liniyasi qurilishi olib borilmoqda B) «O‘zbekiston havo yo‘llari» zamonaviy havo kemalari bilan ta’minlandi. C) Toshkent xalqaro aeroportiga Islom Karimov nomi berildi D) Afrosiyob tezyurar poyezdining Toshkent–Xiva yo‘nalishi ishga tushirildi. 15 / 90 15. Napaleon Bonapartni Fransiyada obro‘sini ko‘tarib yuborgan voqea nima edi? A) Yirik davlatlar bilan yaxshi aloqalar B) Italiyaga qilingan yurish va uning bo‘ysundirilishi C) Mirga qilgan urushi D) Qirol hokimiyatini Napaleonga berilishi 16 / 90 16. Buxoro amirligi qo‘shinida to‘plarning sozligi kimlarning nazoratida bo'lgan? A) fransuz va fors mutaxassislari B) rus va nemis mutaxassislari C) rus va fors mutaxassislari D) rus va fransuz mutaxassislari 17 / 90 17. Qaysi qatorda Fransiya qiroli Filipp IV hukmronligi bilan bog’liq ma’lumotlar ko’rsatilgan? 1)Normandiya Angliyadan tortib olindi 2)Shampan grafligi va Lion viloyati qirol domeniga qo’shib olindi 3)cherkov yerlari soliqqa tortildi 4)General shtatlar chaqirildi A) 2,3,4 B) 2.4 C) 1.4 D) 3.4 18 / 90 18. Kimni davridaGermaniya Yevropa Ittifoqining yetakchi davlatiga aylandi? A) Gerxard Shryoder B) Konrad Adenaur C) Angela Markel D) Gelmut Gol 19 / 90 19. Jaloliddin Manguberdi bilan bog’liq quyidagi voqealarni yuz berish davriga ko’ra to’g’ri xronologik tartibda belgilang. 1)Gurjiston to’liq egallandi; 2)Isfahon yaqinida mo’g’ullarning Taynol no’yon boshliq qo’shinlarini maglub etadi; 3)U Hindistonda muqim o‘rnashish, ittifoqchilar topish mushkul ekanligini anglab, Iroqqa yo‘l oladi; 4)Xalifa Nosirning 20 ming kishilik qo’shini Basra yaqinidagi jangda tor-mor etildi; 5)Chingizxon Jaloliddin Manguberdiga qarshi Shiki Xutuxu no‘yonni 45 minglik qo‘shin bilan jo‘natadi; 6)Ko‘niya, Jazira, Damashq va Misrning birlashgan qo‘shinidan Jaloliddin Manguberdi kuchlari Arzinjon yaqinidagi jangda mag‘lubiyatga uchradi; A) 5, 3, 4, 1, 2, 6 B) 5, 3, 4, 6, 2, 1 C) 5, 4, 3, 1, 2, 6 D) 5, 3, 4, 2, 1, 6 20 / 90 20. Quyidagi voqealarni ketma-ketlikda joylashtiring? 1.U.Cherchill Fulton shahrida Vestminster kolleji tinglovchilari oldida so’zga chiqdi 2.O’zaro Iqtisdiy Yordam Kengashi tuzildi 3.J.Marshall Yevropa mamlakatlariga urush oqibatlarini bartaraf qilishda yordam ko’rsatish g’oyasini ilgari surdi 4.NATO tashkil etildi A) 1,3,2,4 B) 2,1,3,4 C) 1,2,3,4 D) 3,1,2,4 21 / 90 21. O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Qurolli Kuchlarining harbiy okruglarini ularga mos hududlar bilan muvofiqlashtiring. 1)Samarqand, Jizzax, Sirdaryo viloyatlari 2)Andijon, Namangan, Farg‘ona viloyatlari 3)Buxoro, Navoiy, Qashqadaryo va Surxondaryo viloyatlari 4)Qoraqalpog‘iston Respublikasi, Xorazm viloyati a) Sharqiy harbiy okrug b) Markaziy harbiy okrug Shimoli-g‘arbiy harbiy okrug c)Janubi-g‘arbiy maxsus harbiy okrug A) 1-b, 2-a, 3-c, 4-d B) 1-b, 2-a, 3-d, 4-c C) 1-b, 2-d, 3-a, 4-c D) 1-a, 2-b, 3-d, 4-c 22 / 90 22. Rossiya istilosi natijasida egallangan hududlar bilan bog’liq noto’g’ri ma’lumotni aniqlang. A) Erjar qishlog’i – Sirdaryoning o’rta oqimida joylashgan ushbu hududda podsho qo’shinlari Buxoro amirligi qo’shinlari o’rtasidagi dastlabki jang bo’lib o’tgan B) O’ratepa - F.Romanovskiy harbiy qo’shinlari ushbu shaharga yetib borgach, shahar uch kun o’qqa tutildi ; C) Xo’jand – Qo’qon xonligi bilan Buxoro amirligi o’rtasida joylashgan ushbu shahar podsho qo’shinlari tomonidan 24-may kuni egallandi ; D) Jizzax – ushbu shaharni bosib olish uchun bo’lgan jangdaharikkala tomondan 2 mingdan ko’proq kishi halok bo’ldi ; 23 / 90 23. Quyidagilardan qaysi birining xronologiyasi to’g’ri kelmaydi ? A) XIX asr – Ahmad Donish amir Muzaffar taklifi bilan « Manozir ul-kavokib » nomli astronomiyaga oid kitob yozgan B) 1857 – Ahmad Donish Amir Nasrullo elchilari bilan Moskva, Peterburg va boshqa Rossiya shaharlari bo’ylab sayohat qilgan ; C) XV asr - Madrasalarda mavjud Olimlar yasovuli paydo bo’lgan ; D) 1819 – Munis Mirxondning « Ravzat us-safo » asarinitarjimaqilishni boshladi ; 24 / 90 24. Quyidagilarni xronologik ketma-ketlikda joylashtiring. 1)AQSH va Germaniya o’rtasida jahon elektr bozorini bo’lib olish va o’zaro hamkorlik qilish to’g’risida shartnoma tuzilgan ; 2)Yevropa shaharlari qurilishida o’zgarishlar yuz bera boshladi ; 3)Millatlararo korporatsiyalar soni 100 taga yetdi ; 4)Mustamlakachilik siyosati natijasida « egallanmagan yerlar »ni bosib olish yakunlandi ; A) 2-4-1-3 B) 3-4-2-1 C) 3-2-1-4 D) 2-3-4-1 25 / 90 25. O’rta asrlarda quyidagi qaysi shaharlarda nomlanishi bir xil bo’lgan inshootlar mavjud? 1. Istanbul. 2. Moskva. 3. Vladimir. 4. Kiyev. 5. Parij. 6. Sevilya A) 2, 3, 5 B) 1, 2 C) 1, 4 D) 5, 6 26 / 90 26. Ilmga bo’lgan chanqoqlik tufayli Buxoro, marv, Nishopur, Isfaxon, Shom, Bag’dod, Hirot va Makkada hayot kechirib, arab tili va adabiyotini diniy ilmlarini, xattotlik san’atini, arab maqollari va urf- odatlarini chuqur o’rgangan alloma tavallud topgan yildan 205 yil muqaddam quyidagilardan kim tavallud topgan? A) “Hidoya” asarining muallifi; B) “Al-jome as-Sahih” asari muallifi; C) “Hayotnoma” asarining muallifi; D) “Kitob at-Tavhid” asari muallifi; 27 / 90 27. Quyidagi voqealardan bir yilda yuz berganlarini toping. 1)Eftallar Xitoyga elchi yubordilar; 2)Pero’z eftallarga qarshi yurish qildi; 3)Sosoniyla va Kidariylar o’rtasida jang bo’lib o’tdi: 4)hadya tariqasida Samarqanddan yuborilgan dubulg‘adan nusxa olib, Xitoy qurolsozlari qo‘shinni temirqalpoq (dubulg‘a)lar bilan ta’min etganlar: A) 1.4 B) 3.4 C) 2.4 D) 1.3 28 / 90 28. Quyidagilardan nisbatan keyinroq sodir bo'lgan voqeani aniqlang. A) To'rtko'lda dehqon, batrak va qizil askar deputatlari Qoraqolpoq avtonom viloyati sovetlarining I tasis syezdi bo'lib o'tdi B) Qoraqolpog'iston Qozog'iston ASSR tarkibiga kiritildi C) Tojikiston ASSR o'rniga Tojikiston SSR tashkil topdi va u O'zbekiston SSR tarkibidan chiqdi D) Samarqandshahridabo'lib o'tgantasisqurultoyida O'zbekiston komsomoliga asos solindi 29 / 90 29. Quyidagi qaysi javobda xatolik mavjud? A) Temuriylar sulolasi hukmronligi barham topgach, yurtimizda shayboniylar sulolasi hukmronligi o‘matildi. Mazkur sulola ishlab chiqarish, ilm-fan va madaniyat rivojida temuriylar davr B) Shayboniylar hukmronligi davrida oliy hukmdor — xon davlat hududlarini sulola xonadoni a’zolariga yurt (udel) qilib bo’lib berdi. Bu esa oxir-oqibatda markaziy hokimiyatning zaiflash C) XVIII asr oxirida Buxoro xonligi ikkiga bo’linib ketdi D) Temuriylar davlati XVI asr boshlarida to‘la barham topdi 30 / 90 30. 1926-yili general Chan Kayshi boshchiligidagi Gomindan milliy hukumati Milliy inqilobiy armiyaning Shimolga yurishini boshladi.Bu yurish davrida Markaziy Xitoyning ko’plab provinsiyalari,jumladan qaysi yirik shaharlar Gomindanchilar qo’liga o’tdi? A) Pekin, Nankin, Uxan, Nanchan, B) Uxan, Shanxay, Nanchan, Nankin C) Pekin, Urumchi, Uxan, Nankin D) Nanchan, Shanxay, Urumchi, Pekin 31 / 90 31. Read and then choose the correct answer to questions. Emma Christoffersen was twenty-eight years old when she collapsed moments after leaving a long flight from Australia. Her death highlighted the statistics concerning health-related problems during long flights. In fact, more people die from health-related incidents during flights than from air crashes. Studies show that poor air quality, low oxygen levels, and cramped seating are triggering heart attacks and deep vein thrombosis as well as causing contagious diseases among an increasingly large number of passengers. Long periods of sitting in cramped quarters can cause blood clots to form, especially in the legs and lower abdomen, which can cause deep vein thrombosis, from which Emma died. Passengers have also contracted tuberculosis through recycled air. Despite these problems, the airlines are not addressing these issues and continue to reduce the space between seats. The Aviation Health Institute advises that cabins be ventilated every three minutes, but at present, the average is every ten. To minimize the risk to their health, passengers are advised to exercise and drink plenty of water during a flight. The main factors contributing to health-related problems during flight that are mentioned in the passage are A) the confined space in which a passenger has to sit and inadequate ventilation B) the absence of any supply of liquid refreshment served while on board an aircraft C) people travelling when they are suffering from health problems and contagious diseases D) poor safety instructions handed to the passengers by the cabin crew of the aircraft 32 / 90 32. Read and then choose the correct answer to questions. Emma Christoffersen was twenty-eight years old when she collapsed moments after leaving a long flight from Australia. Her death highlighted the statistics concerning health-related problems during long flights. In fact, more people die from health-related incidents during flights than from air crashes. Studies show that poor air quality, low oxygen levels, and cramped seating are triggering heart attacks and deep vein thrombosis as well as causing contagious diseases among an increasingly large number of passengers. Long periods of sitting in cramped quarters can cause blood clots to form, especially in the legs and lower abdomen, which can cause deep vein thrombosis, from which Emma died. Passengers have also contracted tuberculosis through recycled air. Despite these problems, the airlines are not addressing these issues and continue to reduce the space between seats. The Aviation Health Institute advises that cabins be ventilated every three minutes, but at present, the average is every ten. To minimize the risk to their health, passengers are advised to exercise and drink plenty of water during a flight. The author states that airlines are currently A) providing passengers with such facilities as exercise or plenty of water during their flight B) doing all they can to make their planes as safe as possible C) ignoring the health-related problems during flight D) trying to provide more space for passengers 33 / 90 33. Read and then choose the correct answer to questions. Emma Christoffersen was twenty-eight years old when she collapsed moments after leaving a long flight from Australia. Her death highlighted the statistics concerning health-related problems during long flights. In fact, more people die from health-related incidents during flights than from air crashes. Studies show that poor air quality, low oxygen levels, and cramped seating are triggering heart attacks and deep vein thrombosis as well as causing contagious diseases among an increasingly large number of passengers. Long periods of sitting in cramped quarters can cause blood clots to form, especially in the legs and lower abdomen, which can cause deep vein thrombosis, from which Emma died. Passengers have also contracted tuberculosis through recycled air. Despite these problems, the airlines are not addressing these issues and continue to reduce the space between seats. The Aviation Health Institute advises that cabins be ventilated every three minutes, but at present, the average is every ten. To minimize the risk to their health, passengers are advised to exercise and drink plenty of water during a flight. According to the passage, air crashes account for A) the greatest number of deaths during flights B) as many deaths as from heart attacks and deep vein thrombosis combined C) far fewer deaths than are caused by tuberculosis D) fewer fatalities than from those relating to health problems during flights 34 / 90 34. Read and then choose the correct answer to questions. Most of us feel quite satisfied with the amount of care we show to our teeth merely by brushing them frequently enough. However, we don't realize the damage we give to our teeth if we don't know the proper way of brushing. Experts state that the way we brush our teeth has a great influence on our dental health. In Finland, for instance, the Academy of General Dentistry has warned against wielding your toothbrush in what it called the "death-grip" - that is, clenching the brush in the palm and scrubbing your teeth vigorously. Such overzealous cleaning can cause the gums to recede and damage the exposed roots of the teeth. Researchers in Finland studied one brushing technique that can help you exert less pressure: grip the brush as you would a pen - between your thumb and first two fingers. Done correctly, this method can cause less damage to the gums and clean as effectively as the standard grip. Select a brush with soft bristles and use short, gentle, circular strokes. According to the results of the research carried out in Finland, A) people feel great happiness when their teeth are well-cared for B) people in general are quite careless about their teeth C) most people are not aware of the proper way to brush their teeth D) holding the brush like a pen reduces the harm done to the gums 35 / 90 35. Read and then choose the correct answer to questions. Most of us feel quite satisfied with the amount of care we show to our teeth merely by brushing them frequently enough. However, we don't realize the damage we give to our teeth if we don't know the proper way of brushing. Experts state that the way we brush our teeth has a great influence on our dental health. In Finland, for instance, the Academy of General Dentistry has warned against wielding your toothbrush in what it called the "death-grip" - that is, clenching the brush in the palm and scrubbing your teeth vigorously. Such overzealous cleaning can cause the gums to recede and damage the exposed roots of the teeth. Researchers in Finland studied one brushing technique that can help you exert less pressure: grip the brush as you would a pen - between your thumb and first two fingers. Done correctly, this method can cause less damage to the gums and clean as effectively as the standard grip. Select a brush with soft bristles and use short, gentle, circular strokes. It's advised, in the passage, that in order to obtain better results one should A) take great care of the teeth for complete well-being B) consult an expert for the proper way of tooth-brushing C) not exaggerate the frequency of tooth-brushing D) brush the teeth gently, moving the brush in circles 36 / 90 36. Read and then choose the correct answer to questions. Most of us feel quite satisfied with the amount of care we show to our teeth merely by brushing them frequently enough. However, we don't realize the damage we give to our teeth if we don't know the proper way of brushing. Experts state that the way we brush our teeth has a great influence on our dental health. In Finland, for instance, the Academy of General Dentistry has warned against wielding your toothbrush in what it called the "death-grip" - that is, clenching the brush in the palm and scrubbing your teeth vigorously. Such overzealous cleaning can cause the gums to recede and damage the exposed roots of the teeth. Researchers in Finland studied one brushing technique that can help you exert less pressure: grip the brush as you would a pen - between your thumb and first two fingers. Done correctly, this method can cause less damage to the gums and clean as effectively as the standard grip. Select a brush with soft bristles and use short, gentle, circular strokes. It's stated in the passage that A) you'll hurt the gums of your teeth if you scrub them strongly B) teeth should be brushed regularly in order to prevent the gums from receding C) the standard grip is the most effective way of holding the brush D) when the bristles of a toothbrush are too soft, they can't clean the teeth effectively 37 / 90 37. Read and answer the following questions about the text. Today, the United States is in the grip of a second Industrial revolution. While the first, stretching from the 1870s to the 1970s, shifted the main sector of the American economy from agriculture to industry, the new revolution is shifting the economy away from traditional “smokestack” manufacturing industries to those based upon information, services and new technologies. It took the country decades to accommodate the cultural and social changes resulting from the first industrial revolution and it would be rashly optimistic to assume that Americans will not face serious stresses in coming to terms with the changes that are transforming the workplace today. The author is worried that the Americans A) are closing down heavy industry far too soon B) may turn back to an agricultural economy C) will find the second industrial revaluation hard to cope with D) don’t pay adequate attention to conditions in the workplace 38 / 90 38. Read and answer the following questions about the text. Today, the United States is in the grip of a second Industrial revolution. While the first, stretching from the 1870s to the 1970s, shifted the main sector of the American economy from agriculture to industry, the new revolution is shifting the economy away from traditional “smokestack” manufacturing industries to those based upon information, services and new technologies. It took the country decades to accommodate the cultural and social changes resulting from the first industrial revolution and it would be rashly optimistic to assume that Americans will not face serious stresses in coming to terms with the changes that are transforming the workplace today. The writer points out that the change in America from an agricultural to an industrial economy ________ . A) was bitterly opposed by a large segment of society B) made the use of information technologies indispensable C) brought with it many new cultural and social conditions which took years to resolve D) was achieved in a very short period of time, actually only about two decades 39 / 90 39. Read and answer the following questions about the text. Today, the United States is in the grip of a second Industrial revolution. While the first, stretching from the 1870s to the 1970s, shifted the main sector of the American economy from agriculture to industry, the new revolution is shifting the economy away from traditional “smokestack” manufacturing industries to those based upon information, services and new technologies. It took the country decades to accommodate the cultural and social changes resulting from the first industrial revolution and it would be rashly optimistic to assume that Americans will not face serious stresses in coming to terms with the changes that are transforming the workplace today. It is understood from the passage that the American economy ________ . A) was, at the beginning, largely an agricultural one B) has, over the years, undergone very little radical changes C) was, from the start, based on heavy industry D) has recently entered a period of recession 40 / 90 40. Read and then choose the correct answer to questions Literary and artistic creativity have generally been highly valued by the French people, and such activities have flourished there and gone on to spread the influence of French culture throughout the world. Such 18th-century author philosophers as Voltaire and Jean-Jacques Rousseau were instrumental in shaping the ideas of modern France, and the works of Jean Racine, Moliere and other neoclassical playwrights are still widely performed. Victor Hugo, Honore de Balzac, and Emile Zola were among the literary giants of the 19th century. French authors have won eleven Nobel prizes for literature, far more than those of any other nation. Painting has also long been a vital art form in France. Artists often enjoyed the patronage of the nobility, producing works of quality and variety. During the 1800s, the impressionist movement was largely the inspiration of such French artists as Edgar Degas, Pierre Auguste Renoir and Claude Monet, and many art trends of the 20th century also originated in France. In addition, the atmosphere of free inquiry and artistic integrity that has generally been present in France has attracted many artists and writers from other countries It is mentioned in the passage that A) French art is a little hard to appreciate for outsiders B) artists from other countries also flock to France C) the art industry today in France would collapse without the support of the nobility D) the French people themselves don't take much interest in art 41 / 90 41. Read and then choose the correct answer to questions Literary and artistic creativity have generally been highly valued by the French people, and such activities have flourished there and gone on to spread the influence of French culture throughout the world. Such 18th-century author philosophers as Voltaire and Jean-Jacques Rousseau were instrumental in shaping the ideas of modern France, and the works of Jean Racine, Moliere and other neoclassical playwrights are still widely performed. Victor Hugo, Honore de Balzac, and Emile Zola were among the literary giants of the 19th century. French authors have won eleven Nobel prizes for literature, far more than those of any other nation. Painting has also long been a vital art form in France. Artists often enjoyed the patronage of the nobility, producing works of quality and variety. During the 1800s, the impressionist movement was largely the inspiration of such French artists as Edgar Degas, Pierre Auguste Renoir and Claude Monet, and many art trends of the 20th century also originated in France. In addition, the atmosphere of free inquiry and artistic integrity that has generally been present in France has attracted many artists and writers from other countries The passage tells us that the impressionist movement A) was, in great part, inspired by a number of French artists B) was led primarily by Voltaire and Rousseau C) was a French form of drama D) was largely a twentieth-century trend 42 / 90 42. Read and then choose the correct answer to questions Literary and artistic creativity have generally been highly valued by the French people, and such activities have flourished there and gone on to spread the influence of French culture throughout the world. Such 18th-century author philosophers as Voltaire and Jean-Jacques Rousseau were instrumental in shaping the ideas of modern France, and the works of Jean Racine, Moliere and other neoclassical playwrights are still widely performed. Victor Hugo, Honore de Balzac, and Emile Zola were among the literary giants of the 19th century. French authors have won eleven Nobel prizes for literature, far more than those of any other nation. Painting has also long been a vital art form in France. Artists often enjoyed the patronage of the nobility, producing works of quality and variety. During the 1800s, the impressionist movement was largely the inspiration of such French artists as Edgar Degas, Pierre Auguste Renoir and Claude Monet, and many art trends of the 20th century also originated in France. In addition, the atmosphere of free inquiry and artistic integrity that has generally been present in France has attracted many artists and writers from other countries We learn from the passage that no nation other than France A) followed artistic trends that originated in France B) has centres where artists meet and exchange ideas C) has had so many authors who have won the Nobel prize for literature D) has had patrons of the arts 43 / 90 43. Choose the correct answer We expect him … a newspaper. A) to have arrived B) arrived C) to be arrived D) to arrive 44 / 90 44. . Choose the correct answer. I intend to go to Greece this summer … it can be very expensive. A) although B) because of C) because D) so as 45 / 90 45. Choose the correct answer. At last we’ve found our book, but where is … ? A) your B) her C) you D) yours 46 / 90 46. Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence. Dear Jane, sorry to hear about your problem at work. I think you are doing the right thing, but I doubt whether your boss really ... his job from what you are telling me. A) known B) know C) knowing D) knows 47 / 90 47. Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence. I … my text by 9 o’clock last evening. A) am translated B) translated C) have translated D) had translated 48 / 90 48. Choose the correct answer. If you … the Prime Minister what … you … ? A) will be/will do B) are/would have done C) were/would do D) have been/are doing 49 / 90 49. Choose the appropriate prepositions. We got... the train and put our luggage... the top. A) -/in B) at/to C) on/on D) at/on 50 / 90 50. “You must do what you are told”. She said . A) what had to do what I was told B) she had to do what she was told C) that she must do what she was told D) that must do what I was told 51 / 90 51. Choose the correct answer. My aunt, son-in-law is the managing director of a large company, has been to a garden party at Buckingham Palace. A) who B) whose C) whom D) which 52 / 90 52. Choose the appropriate form of the verb. Excuse me, I … at you for a long time, because your face seems familiar to me. I have a feeling that we have met somewhere before. A) were looking B) has been looking C) had looked D) have been looking 53 / 90 53. Choose the correct answer. Your English is much … now. You’ve made … mistakes this time. A) best / least B) the best / less C) good / less D) better / less 54 / 90 54. Choose the correct answer He usually left us without …a word. A) to say B) saying C) say D) said 55 / 90 55. Choose the correct answer to complete the dialogue. What is this? Is this... book you told me about? Yes, it’s about... life of Queen Victoria A) - / - B) the / - C) a / - D) the / the 56 / 90 56. Choose the correct answer. - Will you participate in the wedding?- … A) I don’t guess so B) I am not afraid so C) I am afraid not D) I don’t think 57 / 90 57. Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence I am a bit late, … …? I am sorry then A) Do I B) Don’t I C) Aren’t I D) Am I 58 / 90 58. Choose the correct answer. Why weren’t you here earlier? You … here earlier. A) ought to have been B) had to be C) can be D) must be 59 / 90 59. Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence. What time … you … Aziza this evening? A) are/going to meet B) do/meet C) will/meet D) are/meeting 60 / 90 60. Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence. In the evenings last year Captain Brown … to their place and they … a game or two of chess. A) would come/play B) came/ played C) come/play D) would come/would play 61 / 90 61. Qaysi holda arzon xarid amalga oshiriladi? A) 2 B) 1 C) 3 D) hammasining narxi bir xil 62 / 90 62. To’g’ri chiziqda 3 nuqta belgilandi. Shu nuqtalardan nechta kesma hosil bo’ladi? A) 3 B) 2 C) 4 D) 1 63 / 90 63. Abdurahmon qadamining uzunligi 0,55 m. U 55 m yo‘l yurishi uchun necha qadam tashlashi kerak? A) 150 B) 110 C) 120 D) 100 64 / 90 64. EKUK(15,45,21) ni toping. A) 210 B) 215 C) 115 D) 315 65 / 90 65. Yig indini hisoblang. 25+25+27+29+31+33+35+37+60 A) 240 B) 180 C) 300 D) 120 66 / 90 66. 1223334444… ketma ketlikdagi 17-o’rinda turgan raqamni aniqlang. A) 6 B) 9 C) 7 D) 8 67 / 90 67. Hisoblang. A) 3 B) 2 C) 30 D) 0,3 68 / 90 68. Natural sonni 10 ga bo‘lganda, bo‘linma 15 ga qoldiq 7 ga teng bo‘ladi. Bo‘linuvchini toping. A) 161 B) 157 C) 177 D) 163 69 / 90 69. Bog‘da 150 tup olma va 450 tup o‘rik meva daraxtlari mavjud. Olma daraxti jami bog‘dagi mevalarning necha foizini tashkil etadi? A) 60% B) 75% C) 25% D) 40% 70 / 90 70. Bir kub metr beton qorishmasini quydirish 50 ming so‘m. Balandligi 4 metr, eni 4 metr va uzunligi 8 metr (to‘g‘ri burchakli parallelepiped shaklida) bo‘lgan beton devor quydirish necha so‘m bo‘ladi? A) 6 mln 400 ming B) 5 mln 400 ming C) 6 mln 500 ming D) 6 mln 600 ming 71 / 90 71. Qaysi uslubda adabiy me’yorga qat’iy rioya etilgani holda majhul nisbatdagi fe’llar va murakkab qurilishli gaplar keng ishlatiladi? A) ilmiy uslub B) rasmiy uslub C) ommabop uslub D) so‘zlashuv uslubi 72 / 90 72. Quyidagi tillardan qaysi biri turkiy tillar oilasining qarluq guruhiga mansub? A) qoraqalpoq B) Buyg‘ur C) tatar D) qozoq 73 / 90 73. Qaysi javobda qo‘shma gapning ikkinchi qismida qo‘llanadigan bo‘g‘lovchilar keltirilgan? A) ammo, lekin, agar, chunki, negaki B) chunki, negaki, goh... goh, balki, mabodo C) toki, shuning uchun, bilan, hamda, basharti D) chunki, negaki, balki, ammo, lekin, biroq, ya’ni 74 / 90 74. Zidlov munosabatli bog‘langan qo‘shma gaplarda qanday voqea- hodisalar ifodalanadi? A) voqea-hodisalarning galma-gal bo‘lishi yoki ulardan biri bo‘lishi ifodalanadi B) Bir-biriga zid voqea-hodisalar ifodalanadi C) to‘g‘ri javob yo‘q D) Bir paytda yoki ketma-ket bo‘ladigan voqea-hodisalar ifodalanadi 75 / 90 75. Quyidagi so‘zlardan nechtasi imloviy jihatdan noto‘g‘ri yozilgan? Jaholat, hokisor, mutaxasis, hoxish, zahmat, aynala, taxsimot, asil, bepayon. A) 3 ta B) 6 ta C) 4 ta D) 5 ta 76 / 90 76. Tishlarimni ko‘rmak istasang, Tushlaringni marvaridga ayt, Gar o‘zimni ko‘rmak istasang, Yovni yengib, tezroq qayt. Ushbu parchadagi fonemalarni aniqlang. A) t, k, y B) a, i, o‘ C) sh, k, t D) i, u, q 77 / 90 77. Nechta jarangsiz til undoshining jarangli jufti bor? A) 7 ta B) 4 ta C) 6 ta D) 8 ta 78 / 90 78. Muallim va ustozning qimmatli vaqtlarini qadrlab, aytganlariga diqqat bilan quloq sol. Ushbu parchadagi ismlar guruhiga mansub so‘zlar qaysi turkumlarga tegishli? 1ot 2sifat 3fe’l A) 1, 2, 3 B) 1, 3 C) 1, 2 D) 2, 3 79 / 90 79. Ham ot, ham sifat yasovchi shakldosh qo‘shimchalarni aniqlang. A) -lik, -zor, -ar B) -qi, -choq, -in C) -li, -kash, -im D) -kash, -eh, -la 80 / 90 80. g undoshining kundoshidan farqlovchi belgisi qaysi javobda ko‘rsatilgan? A) portlovchilik B) shovqinlilik C) jaranglilik D) til orqalilik 81 / 90 81. Qo‘qon shahrining yoshi qancha-yildan ortiqdir? A) 2000 B) 1500 C) 2700 D) 1750 82 / 90 82. XIX asr oxirlarida Xiva xonligining muntazam qo‘shinlari necha kishidan iborat bo‘lgan? A) 5000 B) 3000 C) 2500 D) 1500 83 / 90 83. G‘aribxona, musofirxona so‘zlari qanday manoni bildiradi? A) madrasa B) maqbara C) xonaqoh D) sardoba 84 / 90 84. Quyidagi qaysi alloma 1123-yilda Rishtonda tug‘ilgan? A) Ahmad ibn Umar Xivaqiy. B) Burhonuddin al-Marg‘inoniy. C) Mahmud az-Zamaxshariy D) Abu Mansur al-Moturidiy. 85 / 90 85. Qaysi Buxoro amiri butun musulmon olamining xalifasi deb e’lon qilingan? A) Haydar B) Shohmurod C) Olimxon D) Nasrullo 86 / 90 86. O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Prezidentining 2017–2021-yillarda O‘zbekiston Respublikasini rivojlantirishning beshta ustuvor yo‘nalishi bo‘yicha “Harakatlar strategiyasi” to‘g‘risidagi farmoni qachon tasdiqlandi? A) 2017-yil, 24-iuyn B) 2016-yil, 11-fevral C) 2016- yiul,15-yanvar D) 2017-yil, 7-fevral 87 / 90 87. Butun Sharqda parlament raisi bo‘lgan birinchi ayol kim? A) Yodgora Nasriddinova B) Benazir Bxutto C) Indra Gandi D) Sayyora Rashidova 88 / 90 88. Quyidagi qaysi tarixiy asarda o‘lkamizning qadimgi aholisi to‘g‘risida batafsil ma'lumot berilgan? A) “Qadimgi sharq” asarida B) “Tarixiy-yilnomalar” asarida C) “Tarix” asarida D) “Geografiya” asarida 89 / 90 89. Qaysi yodgorlikdan fil suyagidan yasalgan shaxmat donalari topilgan? A) Zartepa B) Qoratepa C) Xolchayon D) Dalvarzintepa 90 / 90 90. MAN Auto Uzbekistan” qo‘shma korxonasi qachon ishga tushirilgan? A) 2005-yil B) 2002-yil C) 2007-yil D) 2009-yil Your score is 0% Testni qayta ishga tushiring tomonidan Wordpress Quiz plugin Blok testlar