Ingliz tili va Ona tili yo’nalishi №1


Ingliz tili va Ona tili yo'nalishi №1

Asosiy fanlar:

? Ingliz tili (3.1 ball)
? Ona tili (3.1 ball)

Majburiy fanlar:

? Matematika (1.1 ball)
? Ona tili (1.1 ball)
? O'zbekiston tarixi (1.1 ball)

1 / 90

1. Read and then choose the correct answer to questions.

Emma Christoffersen was twenty-eight years old when she collapsed moments after leaving a long flight from Australia. Her death highlighted the statistics concerning health-related problems during long flights. In fact, more people die from health-related incidents during flights than from air crashes. Studies show that poor air quality, low oxygen levels, and cramped seating are triggering heart attacks and deep vein thrombosis as well as causing contagious diseases among an increasingly large number of passengers. Long periods of sitting in cramped quarters can cause blood clots to form, especially in the legs and lower abdomen, which can cause deep vein thrombosis, from which Emma died. Passengers have also contracted tuberculosis through recycled air.

Despite these problems, the airlines are not addressing these issues and continue to reduce the space between seats. The Aviation Health Institute advises that cabins be ventilated every three minutes, but at present, the average is every ten. To minimize the risk to their health, passengers are advised to exercise and drink plenty of water during a flight.

The main factors contributing to health-related problems during flight that are mentioned in the passage are

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2. Read and then choose the correct answer to questions.

Emma Christoffersen was twenty-eight years old when she collapsed moments after leaving a long flight from Australia. Her death highlighted the statistics concerning health-related problems during long flights. In fact, more people die from health-related incidents during flights than from air crashes. Studies show that poor air quality, low oxygen levels, and cramped seating are triggering heart attacks and deep vein thrombosis as well as causing contagious diseases among an increasingly large number of passengers. Long periods of sitting in cramped quarters can cause blood clots to form, especially in the legs and lower abdomen, which can cause deep vein thrombosis, from which Emma died. Passengers have also contracted tuberculosis through recycled air.

Despite these problems, the airlines are not addressing these issues and continue to reduce the space between seats. The Aviation Health Institute advises that cabins be ventilated every three minutes, but at present, the average is every ten. To minimize the risk to their health, passengers are advised to exercise and drink plenty of water during a flight.

The author states that airlines are currently

3 / 90

3. Read and then choose the correct answer to questions.

Emma Christoffersen was twenty-eight years old when she collapsed moments after leaving a long flight from Australia. Her death highlighted the statistics concerning health-related problems during long flights. In fact, more people die from health-related incidents during flights than from air crashes. Studies show that poor air quality, low oxygen levels, and cramped seating are triggering heart attacks and deep vein thrombosis as well as causing contagious diseases among an increasingly large number of passengers. Long periods of sitting in cramped quarters can cause blood clots to form, especially in the legs and lower abdomen, which can cause deep vein thrombosis, from which Emma died. Passengers have also contracted tuberculosis through recycled air.

Despite these problems, the airlines are not addressing these issues and continue to reduce the space between seats. The Aviation Health Institute advises that cabins be ventilated every three minutes, but at present, the average is every ten. To minimize the risk to their health, passengers are advised to exercise and drink plenty of water during a flight.

According to the passage, air crashes account for

4 / 90

4. Read and then choose the correct answer to questions.

Most of us feel quite satisfied with the amount of care we show to our teeth merely by brushing them frequently enough. However, we don't realize the damage we give to our teeth if we don't know the proper way of brushing. Experts state that the way we brush our teeth has a great influence on our dental health. In Finland, for instance, the Academy of General Dentistry has warned against wielding your toothbrush in what it called the "death-grip" - that is, clenching the brush in the palm and scrubbing your teeth vigorously. Such overzealous cleaning can cause the gums to recede and damage the exposed roots of the teeth.

Researchers in Finland studied one brushing technique that can help you exert less pressure: grip the brush as you would a pen - between your thumb and first two fingers. Done correctly, this method can cause less damage to the gums and clean as effectively as the standard grip.  Select  a  brush with soft  bristles  and use short, gentle, circular strokes.

According to the results of the research carried out in Finland,

5 / 90

5. Read and then choose the correct answer to questions.

Most of us feel quite satisfied with the amount of care we show to our teeth merely by brushing them frequently enough. However, we don't realize the damage we give to our teeth if we don't know the proper way of brushing. Experts state that the way we brush our teeth has a great influence on our dental health. In Finland, for instance, the Academy of General Dentistry has warned against wielding your toothbrush in what it called the "death-grip" - that is, clenching the brush in the palm and scrubbing your teeth vigorously. Such overzealous cleaning can cause the gums to recede and damage the exposed roots of the teeth.

Researchers in Finland studied one brushing technique that can help you exert less pressure: grip the brush as you would a pen - between your thumb and first two fingers. Done correctly, this method can cause less damage to the gums and clean as effectively as the standard grip.  Select  a  brush with soft  bristles  and use short, gentle, circular strokes.

It's advised, in the passage, that in order to obtain better results one should

6 / 90

6. Read and then choose the correct answer to questions.

Most of us feel quite satisfied with the amount of care we show to our teeth merely by brushing them frequently enough. However, we don't realize the damage we give to our teeth if we don't know the proper way of brushing. Experts state that the way we brush our teeth has a great influence on our dental health. In Finland, for instance, the Academy of General Dentistry has warned against wielding your toothbrush in what it called the "death-grip" - that is, clenching the brush in the palm and scrubbing your teeth vigorously. Such overzealous cleaning can cause the gums to recede and damage the exposed roots of the teeth.

Researchers in Finland studied one brushing technique that can help you exert less pressure: grip the brush as you would a pen - between your thumb and first two fingers. Done correctly, this method can cause less damage to the gums and clean as effectively as the standard grip.  Select  a  brush with soft  bristles  and use short, gentle, circular strokes.

It's stated in the passage that

7 / 90

7. Read and answer the following questions about the text.
Today, the United States is in the grip of a second Industrial revolution. While the first, stretching from the 1870s to the 1970s, shifted the main sector of the American economy from agriculture to industry, the new revolution is shifting the economy away from traditional “smokestack” manufacturing industries to those based upon information, services and new technologies. It took the country decades to accommodate the cultural and social changes resulting from the first industrial revolution and it would be rashly optimistic to assume that Americans will not face serious stresses in coming to terms with the changes that are transforming the workplace today.

The author is worried that the Americans

8 / 90

8. Read and answer the following questions about the text.
Today, the United States is in the grip of a second Industrial revolution. While the first, stretching from the 1870s to the 1970s, shifted the main sector of the American economy from agriculture to industry, the new revolution is shifting the economy away from traditional “smokestack” manufacturing industries to those based upon information, services and new technologies. It took the country decades to accommodate the cultural and social changes resulting from the first industrial revolution and it would be rashly optimistic to assume that Americans will not face serious stresses in coming to terms with the changes that are transforming the workplace today.
The writer points out that the change in America from an agricultural to an industrial economy ________ .

9 / 90

9. Read and answer the following questions about the text.
Today, the United States is in the grip of a second Industrial revolution. While the first, stretching from the 1870s to the 1970s, shifted the main sector of the American economy from agriculture to industry, the new revolution is shifting the economy away from traditional “smokestack” manufacturing industries to those based upon information, services and new technologies. It took the country decades to accommodate the cultural and social changes resulting from the first industrial revolution and it would be rashly optimistic to assume that Americans will not face serious stresses in coming to terms with the changes that are transforming the workplace today.

It is understood from the passage that the American economy ________ .

10 / 90

10. Read and then choose the correct answer to questions 
Literary and artistic creativity have generally been highly valued by the French people, and such activities have flourished there and gone on to spread the influence of French culture throughout the world. Such 18th-century author philosophers as Voltaire and Jean-Jacques Rousseau were instrumental in shaping the ideas of modern France, and the works of Jean Racine, Moliere and other neoclassical playwrights are still widely performed. Victor Hugo, Honore de Balzac, and Emile Zola were among the literary giants of the 19th century. French authors have won eleven Nobel prizes for literature, far more than those of any other nation.
Painting has also long been a vital art form in France. Artists often enjoyed the patronage of the nobility, producing works of quality and variety. During the 1800s, the impressionist movement was largely the inspiration of such French artists as Edgar Degas, Pierre Auguste Renoir and Claude Monet, and many art trends of the 20th century also originated in France. In addition, the atmosphere of free inquiry and artistic integrity that has generally been present in France has attracted many artists and writers from other countries
It is mentioned in the passage that

11 / 90

11. Read and then choose the correct answer to questions 
Literary and artistic creativity have generally been highly valued by the French people, and such activities have flourished there and gone on to spread the influence of French culture throughout the world. Such 18th-century author philosophers as Voltaire and Jean-Jacques Rousseau were instrumental in shaping the ideas of modern France, and the works of Jean Racine, Moliere and other neoclassical playwrights are still widely performed. Victor Hugo, Honore de Balzac, and Emile Zola were among the literary giants of the 19th century. French authors have won eleven Nobel prizes for literature, far more than those of any other nation.
Painting has also long been a vital art form in France. Artists often enjoyed the patronage of the nobility, producing works of quality and variety. During the 1800s, the impressionist movement was largely the inspiration of such French artists as Edgar Degas, Pierre Auguste Renoir and Claude Monet, and many art trends of the 20th century also originated in France. In addition, the atmosphere of free inquiry and artistic integrity that has generally been present in France has attracted many artists and writers from other countries

The passage tells us that the impressionist movement

12 / 90

12. Read and then choose the correct answer to questions 
Literary and artistic creativity have generally been highly valued by the French people, and such activities have flourished there and gone on to spread the influence of French culture throughout the world. Such 18th-century author philosophers as Voltaire and Jean-Jacques Rousseau were instrumental in shaping the ideas of modern France, and the works of Jean Racine, Moliere and other neoclassical playwrights are still widely performed. Victor Hugo, Honore de Balzac, and Emile Zola were among the literary giants of the 19th century. French authors have won eleven Nobel prizes for literature, far more than those of any other nation.
Painting has also long been a vital art form in France. Artists often enjoyed the patronage of the nobility, producing works of quality and variety. During the 1800s, the impressionist movement was largely the inspiration of such French artists as Edgar Degas, Pierre Auguste Renoir and Claude Monet, and many art trends of the 20th century also originated in France. In addition, the atmosphere of free inquiry and artistic integrity that has generally been present in France has attracted many artists and writers from other countries

We learn from the passage that no nation other than France

13 / 90

13. Choose the correct answer We expect him … a newspaper.

14 / 90

14. . Choose the correct answer. I intend to go to Greece this summer … it can be very expensive.

15 / 90

15. Choose the correct answer. At last we’ve found our book, but where is … ?

16 / 90

16. Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence. Dear Jane, sorry to hear about your problem at work. I think you are doing the right thing, but I doubt whether your boss really ... his job from what you are telling me.

17 / 90

17. Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence. I … my text by 9 o’clock last evening.

18 / 90

18. Choose the correct answer. If you … the Prime Minister what … you … ?

19 / 90

19. Choose the appropriate prepositions. We got... the train and put our luggage... the top.

20 / 90

20. “You must do what you are told”. She said .

21 / 90

21. Choose the correct answer. My aunt, son-in-law is the managing director of a large company, has been to a garden party at Buckingham Palace.

22 / 90

22. Choose the appropriate form of the verb. Excuse me, I … at you for a long time, because your face seems familiar to me. I have a feeling that we have met somewhere before.

23 / 90

23. Choose the correct answer. Your English is much … now. You’ve made … mistakes this time.

24 / 90

24. Choose the correct answer He usually left us without …a word.

25 / 90

25. Choose the correct answer to complete the dialogue. What is this? Is this... book you told me about? Yes, it’s about... life of Queen Victoria

26 / 90

26. Choose the correct answer. - Will you participate in the wedding?- …

27 / 90

27. Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence I am a bit late, … …? I am sorry then

28 / 90

28. Choose the correct answer. Why weren’t you here earlier? You … here earlier.

29 / 90

29. Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence. What time … you … Aziza this evening?

30 / 90

30. Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence. In the evenings last year Captain Brown … to their place and they … a game or two of chess.

31 / 90

31. Tong otmoqda. Tong o’qlar otar, Ton otmoqda, Quyosh – zambarak. Yaralangan Yer shari yotar Boshlarida yashil chambarak. Ushbu misralar muallifini toping.

32 / 90

32. Jarangli jufti yo‘q jarangsiz undosh tovush bilan tugagan yopiq bo‘g‘inli so‘zlar qatorini toping.

33 / 90

33. O‘zakka qo‘shilganda tovush o‘zgarishi yuz beradigan shaxs oti yasovchi qo‘shimchalarni aniqlang.

34 / 90

34. Tog‘ay Murodning qaysi asariga Qodiriy nomidagi davlat mukofoti berilgan?

35 / 90

35. Hisob so‘z berilmagan gapni toping.

36 / 90

36. Asosi fe’l so‘z turkumidagi so‘z bilan shakldosh ega qatnashgan murakkab kesimli gapni aniqlang.

37 / 90

37. Qaysi javobda bir ma’no turiga oid ikkita ravish qatnashgan?

38 / 90

38. “Maslahat bermaymiz Boysariboyga, Osilmaymiz Boybo‘rining doriga... “ Ushbu parcha «Alpomish dostonida kimning tilidan aytilgan?

39 / 90

39. Gap bo‘laklari joylashuvi aniqlovchi, aniqlovchi, ega va kesim shartli belgilarga to‘liq mos keladigan murakkab ot kesimli gapni aniqlang.

40 / 90

40. Maqomati oliy va mashhur, karomoti matavoliy va nomahsur ermish. Imom Yusuf Hamadoniyning as’hobidindur «, gapdagi “matavoliy” so‘zining ma’nosini toping.

41 / 90

41. Berilgan so‘z birikmalaridan qaysilari harakat-holatning belgisini bildirgan? Tonggi shabada, sekin yurmoq, quvonchli xabar, tez o‘qimoq, a’lo kayfiyat, atayin gapirmoq.

42 / 90

42. Bayrog‘ingiz egilmasin maydonda sira, Jangda yolg‘iz qolsangiz ham bayroq tik bo‘lsin. Hujum qilish arafasi: “Allohu akbar!” – dеb Nido aylang. Parvardigor kuch ato etgay. Ushbu parcha qaysi adib ijodidan?

43 / 90

43. Qaysi javobda holat fe’llari berilgan?

44 / 90

44. Hokim qismi ham, tobe qismi ham yasama so‘z bilan ifodalangan fe’lli so‘z birikmasi qatnashgan gapni aniqlang.

45 / 90

45. Faqat ochiq bo‘g‘inli so‘zlarni toping.

46 / 90

46. Xususiyat bildiruvchi sifat qatnashmagan gapni toping.

47 / 90

47. Torgina xonani xotin-xalajning qiy-chuvi tutdi. Ushbu gapdagi so‘z birikmalariga oid to‘g‘ri hukmni belgilang.

48 / 90

48. Yuzning kulib turishi bunchalik qiyin ish emas. Ushbu gapdagi so‘zlarning yetakchi morfemalarida shakldoshlik necha o‘rinda kuzatiladi?

49 / 90

49. Qaysi javobdagi ajratib ko‘rsatilgan so‘zda metonimiya usuli orqali ma’no ko‘chishi yuz bergan?

50 / 90

50. Zamon shaklidagi chiqar fe’lidan nisbat ma’nosidagi chiqar fe’li qanday farqlanadi?

51 / 90

51. Belgilash olmoshi qatnashgan gapni toping.

52 / 90

52. X Salohning ”Yulduzlar afsonasi ” she’rida qaysi yulduzning qizini yetti qaroqchi yulduzi o’g’irlab ketadi?

53 / 90

53. Qaysi javobdagi gaplar juftligida o‘zaro asosdosh so‘zlar qatnashmagan?

54 / 90

54. Berilgan so‘zlarning qaysilarida nuqtalar o‘rnida u unlisi yoziladi? 1) junj...kish; 2) juld...r; 3) zug‘...m; 4) ibratom...z.

55 / 90

55. Tobe qismi ham, hokim qismi ham tub so‘z bilan ifodalangan so‘z birikmalarini aniqlang. 1.qat’iy ishonch; 2.aytilgan so‘z 3.o‘qish yaxshi; 4.aniq tushuntirmoq; 5.bachkana odam; 6.ko‘ngliga olmoq 7.bunyod etmoq

56 / 90

56. Payt otlariga qo‘shilib paytga xos belgini bildiruvchi sifat yasovchi qo‘shimcha qaysi qatorda mavjud?

57 / 90

57. Dona sonni hosil qiluvchi quyidagi hisob so‘zlardan qay biri hayvonlarga nisbatan qo‘llanadi?

58 / 90

58. Maxtumqulining “Shoir bo’lsang xabar ber” she’rida “U nimadir, darvozasiz qal’adir?” deganda nimani aytgan?

59 / 90

59. Qaysi javobdagi hukm xato berilgan?

60 / 90

60. Erka o’g’il Hamidullaning ko’knori iste’mol qilib,qimor o’yin oqibatida singlisini boy berishi qaysi asarda keltiriladi?

61 / 90

61. Ifodaning qiymatini toping: (|-111|-80)+ |-29|

62 / 90

62. Qaysi holda arzon xarid amalga oshiriladi?

63 / 90

63. Abdurahmon qadamining uzunligi 0,55 m. U 55 m yo‘l yurishi uchun necha qadam tashlashi kerak?

64 / 90

64. Sinfda 26 o‘quvchi bor. Matematikadan o‘tkazilgan nazorat ishida o‘quvchilarning 3/13 qismi – «5», 5/13 qismi – «4» va qolgani – «3» baho oldi. Qancha o‘quvchi «3» baho olgan?

65 / 90

65. EKUK(15,45,21) ni toping.

66 / 90

66. 1223334444… ketma ketlikdagi 17-o’rinda turgan raqamni aniqlang.

67 / 90

67. Ayriluvchi 171, ayirma esa 86 ga teng bo‘lsa, kamayuvchini toping.

68 / 90

68. Hisoblang.

69 / 90

69. Bir kub metr beton qorishmasini quydirish 50 ming so‘m. Balandligi 4 metr, eni 4 metr va uzunligi 8 metr (to‘g‘ri burchakli parallelepiped shaklida) bo‘lgan beton devor quydirish necha so‘m bo‘ladi?

70 / 90

70. Hisoblang.

71 / 90

71. Qaysi uslubda adabiy me’yorga qat’iy rioya etilgani holda majhul nisbatdagi fe’llar va murakkab qurilishli gaplar keng ishlatiladi?

72 / 90

72. Yig‘ilishda hayotiy tajribasi va obro‘-e’tibori bilan yurtimizda tanilgan keksalar ishtirok etdilar. Ushbu gapda fe’lning qaysi vazifa shakli ishtirok etmagan?

73 / 90

73. Zidlov munosabatli bog‘langan qo‘shma gaplarda qanday voqea- hodisalar ifodalanadi?

74 / 90

74. Quyidagi so‘zlardan nechtasi imloviy jihatdan noto‘g‘ri yozilgan? Jaholat, hokisor, mutaxasis, hoxish, zahmat, aynala, taxsimot, asil, bepayon.

75 / 90

75. Buyuk olim odamning nopok istaklari va tuban ehtiroslarini uyga qamab qo‘yilgan uch maxluq odam, tong‘iz va arslonga o‘xshatgan ekan. Ushbu gapda qaysi kelishik qo‘shimchalari ishirok etmagan?

76 / 90

76. Bajaruvchining harakat va holat jarayonida qay darajada ishtirok etishini bildiruvchi fe’l shakllari qaysi qatorda to‘g‘ri ko‘rsatilgan?

77 / 90

77. til undoshlariga mansub bo‘lmagan jarangsiz undoshlar soni nechta?

78 / 90

78. Qo‘shimcha qo‘shilishi natijasida bir keng unlining ikkinchi bir keng unliga almashinishi kuzatilgan gapni toping.

79 / 90

79. Ham ot, ham sifat yasovchi shakldosh qo‘shimchalarni aniqlang.

80 / 90

80. g undoshining kundoshidan farqlovchi belgisi qaysi javobda ko‘rsatilgan?

81 / 90

81. Qo‘qon shahrining yoshi qancha-yildan ortiqdir?

82 / 90

82. XIX asr oxirlarida Xiva xonligining muntazam qo‘shinlari necha kishidan iborat bo‘lgan?

83 / 90

83. G‘aribxona, musofirxona so‘zlari qanday manoni bildiradi?

84 / 90

84. O‘rta Osiyoda milliy hududiy chegaralanish qachon o‘tkazilgan?

85 / 90

85. Quyidagi qaysi alloma 1123-yilda Rishtonda tug‘ilgan?

86 / 90

86. Qaysi Buxoro amiri butun musulmon olamining xalifasi deb e’lon qilingan?

87 / 90

87. “Movarounnahr” so‘zi qaysi tildan olingan va uning ma'nosi nima?

88 / 90

88. Butun Sharqda parlament raisi bo‘lgan birinchi ayol kim?

89 / 90

89. 1914-yil Toshkentda kim “Turon” teatr truppasini tuzgan?

90 / 90

90. Mamlakat ma’naviy hayotining asosi hisoblangan islom mafkurasiga somoniylar hukmronligi davrida kim rahnamolik qilardi?

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